In 1938, Eugen Mack had yet another perfect score on vault. However, it wasn’t enough to beat the Czechoslovak team.
The Swiss team struggled in athletics (and rings). Shot put, in particular, dashed their hopes of becoming world champions.
Reusch, one of the top Swiss gymnasts, had a particularly rough time with athletics. Though Reusch won four apparatus titles, his scores didn’t count for the team total, which was based on the top six all-around scores. Reusch finished 7th on his team and 24th in the all-around overall. He scored a 0 in shot put (7.45 m).
Reasons for Absences | The Program | General Impressions | Results | Meet Commentary | Appendix A: Track and Field Scoring | Appendix B: All-Around Results (16-59)
Which countries?
The following countries competed in Prague on June 30 and July 1:
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Czechoslovakia
- France
- Luxembourg
- Poland
- Switzerland
- Yugoslavia
Reminder: Going to a major international event isn’t always about winning. The Polish gymnasts went to gain experience.
An important factor for raising the level of artistic gymnastics on apparatus is a competition with a stronger opponent, where the competitors gain experience and self-confidence. Such a test, and at the same time such a learning field, was for our teams the gymnastics competition for the world championship, which took place in the first days of July this year in Prague. For the second time, after the Budapest competition held in 1934, we faced the best gymnastic teams at this year’s competition.
Przewodnik Gimnastyczny “Sokół,” 1938, Nr 9
Ważnym czynikiem podniesienia poziomu gimnastyki artystycznej na przyrządach są zawody z silniejszym przeciwnikiem, na których zawodnicy nabierają doświadczenia i pewności siebie. Takim sprawdzianem, a równocześnie terenem nauki były dla naszych zespołów zawody gimnastyczne o mistrzostwo świata, które odbyły się w pierwszych dniach lipca br. w Pradze. Po raz drugi po zawodach w Budapeszcie, które odbyły się w roku 1934, zmierzyliśmy się z najlepszymi zespołami gimnastycznymi na tegorocznych zawodach.
TCH: The Czechoslovak and Yugoslav gymnasts had been training especially hard for this competition.
The ČOS team has been preparing together since May 15 in Tyršův dům. And at the same time, the team from Yugoslavia slept under one roof, practiced on the same equipment, ran together, jumped, and threw. They rejoiced together in the success, they were agitated by fatigue after the hard days of preparation, but the most beautiful moments were always created between the two teams. That brotherhood of blood was understood here and lived to the full extent. There was no more beautiful harmony to be created anymore. And so, in the joyful and purposeful moments of complex preparation, the famous gathering days and international competitions approached.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Poctivě se připravovalo družstvo ČOS společně od 15. května v Tyršově domě. A souběžně s ním spalo pod jednou střechou, cvičilo na stejném nářadí, společně běhalo, skákalo a vrhalo družstvo jihoslovanské. Radovali se společně z úspěchů, zkrušeni byli únavou po tvrdých dnech přípravy, ale vždy bylo nejkrásnější prostředí vytvářeno mezi oběma družstvy. To bratrství krve bylo tu chápáno a žito v plném pochopení. Nebylo krásnější harmonie možno vytvořit. A tak v radostné účelné práci tvrdé přípravy přiblížily se slavné sletové dny a v jejich rámci mezinárodní závody.
Who was missing?
TCH: Several top teams were missing: The Germans, Italians, Hungarians, and Finns.
At 7 o’clock, the teams started to gather on the green lawn of the Masaryk State Stadium to check the equipment and stretch muscle flexibility before the competition. It was a gym kaleidoscope, an instant show of the best equipment and sportspeople. It was not a complete show – the Germans, Italians, Hungarians, and Finns were missing. Without them, the competition became poorer, but the causes were clear enough to excuse their non-participation.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
V 7 hod. nastupovala již družstva porůznu na zelené trávníkové cvičiště Masarykova státního stadionu, před závodem přezkoušeti nářadí a pružnost svalstva. Byl to tělocvičný kaleidoskop, mžiková přehlídka nejlepších nářaďovců. Nebyla to přehlídka úplná — chyběli Němci, Italové, Maďaři a Finové.
TCH: The Italians and Finns skipped because they didn’t have enough top gymnasts.
Although they promised to be accepted to the Prague competition, both the Italians and the Finns decided three months before the competition not to go because they do not have capable individuals in the team who would be able to perform in the athletic part in addition to the gymnastics.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Bez nich stal se závod chudším, ale příčiny byly dostatečně jasné, které omlouvaly neúčast. Italové i Finové, ač slibovali přijeti na pražský závod, rozhodli se tři měsíce před závodem, že nepojedou, protože nemají schopné jednotlivce do družstva, kteří by vedle nářaďového závodu čestně obstáli i v části atletické.
TCH: The Hungarians pulled out due to injury.
The Hungarians were decided for sure, but a month before the competition, the best 3 members were injured and without them, their team did not have the chance of placing among the best ones.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Maďaři byli přihlášeni pevně, ale měsíc před závodem zranili se nejlepší 3 cvičenci a bez těch neměla účast jejich družstva valných vyhlídek na umístění mezi dobrými.
TCH: The Germans because of politics.
Only the Germans, who famously won their victory in Berlin, could participate, promised, and finally did not come due to reasons that had their origins in political tensions. We understood and yet had a hard time coming to terms with the idea that the German sports team would be missing in the fight for the world championship in a beautiful competition.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Jen Němci, kteří slavně vybojovali své vítězství v Berlíně, mohli se účastnit, slíbili, a na konec odřekli z důvodů, které měly svůj původ v politických napiatých poměrech. Pochopili jsme a přec těžce jsme se smiřovali s myšlenkou, že německé družstvo turnérů bude chyběti v boji o prvenství světa v závodě všestranném.
SUI: The Bulgarians showed up at the eleventh hour with only 6 gymnasts.
One is used to surprises in such competitions and therefore immediately took note that the Bulgarians moved up with 6 men at the eleventh hour.
Neue Zürcher Nachrichten, July 1, 1938
Man ist sich bei derartigen Wettbewerben an Ueberraschungen gewohnt und nahm daher ohne weiteres zur Kenntnis, dase die Bulgaren in letzter Stunde doch noch mit 6 Mann aufrückten.
Historical Context
While World War II had not officially begun, the world was expecting Hitler to invade its neighboring countries, including Czechoslovakia. So, it’s not surprising that many countries turned down their invitations to compete at the 1938 World Championships in Prague.
Reports out of Moscow on May 28, 1938, underscored the clear and present danger of the political situation in Czechoslovakia:
Soviet spokesmen have continued to evince concern all week over the possibilities of a general war blazing up from the Czechoslovakia situation. As seen here the emergency is less urgent than it was last week but the powder barrel stays open.
NYTimes, May 28, 1938
Czechoslovakia was seen as a powder keg, waiting to explode.
Weeks later, when the Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer wrote about the gymnastics rally in Prague, the newspaper described the situation in Czechoslovakia as the “gravest crisis experienced since the foundation of Czechoslovakia.”
In the midst of the gravest crisis experienced since the foundation of Czechoslovakia, Prague is celebrating the tenth Congress of the Slavonic Gymnastic Movement called the Sokol, or Falcon.
Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, July 6, 1938
Which events did the gymnasts compete on?
Compulsory Routines:
- Floor Exercise
- Pommel Horse
- Rings
- Long Horse Vault
- Parallel Bars
- High Bar
Optional Routines:
- Floor Exercise
- Pommel Horse
- Rings
- Long Horse Vault
- Parallel Bars
- High Bar
Track and Field:
- 100 m
- 16.2 seconds for 0 points
- 12.2 seconds for 10 points
- High Jump
- 1.20 m (3’11.2″) for 0 points
- 1.60 m (5’3″) for 10 points
- Shot put
- 8.5 m (27’10.6″) for 0 points
- 10.5 m (34’5.4″) for 10 points
Note #1: For the complete scoring tables for athletics, jump to Appendix A.
Note #2: The time for the 100 m (12.2 sec. for 10 points) was different from preceding and subsequent standards. During the preceding World Championships in 1934, a gymnast needed a time of 12.0 seconds to score a 10.0 in the 100 m. The same is true for the subsequent World Championships in 1950.
Note #3: The shot put event was unique, in that it didn’t require gymnasts to alternate arms. In 1934, for example, gymnasts alternated arms, and the best throw with the left and the best throw with the right were added together.
Note #4: You can see all the compulsory routines in the official rulebook for the 1938 World Championships. The floor routine was more calisthenics than acrobatics.
General Impressions
TCH: The Yugoslavs and French had beautiful moments but they weren’t quite at the level of the Swiss and Czech gymnasts.
The Yugoslavia team had beautiful moments on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, and floor exercise, but they lacked the average of the whole team. So did the French. They were well-prepared overall, but the average after all the disciplines remained one class lower than the leading Czechoslovaks and Swiss.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Družstvo Jihoslovanů mělo krásné okamžiky na hrazdě volné, na bradlech a v prostných, ale chyběl jim průměr celého družstva. Stejně tak Francouzům. Ti byli dobře vedeným celkem, ale průměr po všem nářadí zůstával o třídu za vedoucími Čechoslováky a Švýcary.
TCH: The Poles had potential.
The Poles have promising, talented individuals in the team to guarantee that their team will be a first-class opponent in the next competitions. The audience’s sympathy in the disciplines while their members were performing fully confirmed this statement. The Poles are growing into a valuable team that will have to be reckoned with in the international fight.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Poláci mají v družstvu nadějné, nadané jednotlivce, kteří jsou zárukou, že jejich družstvo bude v příštích závodech soupeřem prvé třídy. Sympatie diváků při výkonech jejich členů to plně potvrzovaly. Poláci vyrůstají v hodnotné družstvo, s kterým bude nutno počítati v boji mezinárodním.
TCH: The teams from Luxembourg and Belgium hadn’t improved.
The Luxembourg team probably stopped developing, as did the Belgians. Perhaps it is temporary for them. Good individuals are not enough to maintain the average of the entire team when most are performing poorly.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Družstvo Lucemburčanů patrně se zastavilo ve vývoji stejně jako Belgičanů. Snad je to u nich přechodné. Dobří jednotlivci nestačí udržeti průměr celého družstva, když většina je slabých výkonů.
TCH: The Bulgarians had a long way to go, which was challenging, given that many gymnasts were studying abroad.
The Bulgarians have not yet matured into an international class. They lack a lot, but the living and training conditions partially excuse their performance. If joint team preparation before departure is not possible because the team members are mostly studying abroad, then no other result is possible due to the event’s difficulty.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Bulhaři nedozráli dosud na třídu mezinárodní. Chybí jim mnoho, ale poměry částečně omlouvají jejich výkon. Není-li možna společná příprava před odjezdem, protože členové družstva jsou v cizině většinou na studiích, pak při obtížnosti závodu není možný jiný výsledek.
What were the results?
The top six teams received awards.
Event | 1. TCH | 2. SUI | 3. YUG | 4. FRA | 5. POL | 6. LUX | 7. BEL | 8. BUL |
HB – C | 54.2⅔ | 56.7 | 55.6⅓ | 54.3⅔ | 37.0 | 41.0⅓ | 31.7 | 30.9⅓ |
HB – O | 57.0 | 56.3⅔ | 54.5⅔ | 53.9 | 44.0⅔ | 49.4⅓ | 36.0⅔ | 44.0 |
PB – C | 54.2⅔ | 52.7⅓ | 48.6 | 50.6 | 43.8⅔ | 45.3 | 41.5 | 36.5⅓ |
PB – O | 54.0 | 56.3⅔ | 48.5⅓ | 51.7 | 45.5⅔ | 44.0 | 47.2⅓ | 44.4 |
SR – C | 54.4⅔ | 48.0⅓ | 44.9⅓ | 41.7 | 39.9⅔ | 39.1 | 36.0⅔ | 37.0⅔ |
SR – O | 55.5⅓ | 52.5⅓ | 53.1⅔ | 49.9⅔ | 48.2⅔ | 46.4⅔ | 40.9⅔ | 44.3 |
PH – C | 54.4⅔ | 55.1⅔ | 51.7 | 47.0 | 45.9 | 42.7⅓ | 40.5⅔ | 20.3⅔ |
PH – O | 56.9⅔ | 55.1⅓ | 52.1 | 49.7 | 43.9⅓ | 45.1⅓ | 43.1 | 31.5 |
FX – C | 53.2⅓ | 54.8 | 47.9 | 53.2⅓ | 41.8⅓ | 44.8 | 46.8⅓ | 34.4⅓ |
FX – O | 54.7⅓ | 52.5⅓ | 49.8⅓ | 54.5 | 42.3⅔ | 46.5 | 45.5⅔ | 34.7 |
VT – C | 58.5 | 57.7⅓ | 55.6 | 53.8⅔ | 56.8⅔ | 49.7⅔ | 37 | 44.4 |
VT – O | 53.5 | 57.8 | 51.2 | 50.9 | 52.2 | 48.1 | 39 | 42.7 |
Apparatus | 660.9⅓ | 655.9 | 613.7⅔ | 611.4⅓ | 541.8⅓ | 542.3⅔ | 485.6 | 445.3⅓ |
Shot Put | 48.7 | 29.8 | 43.6 | 31.5 | 46.3 | 11.7 | 12.1 | 14.6 |
High Jump | 48.6 | 50.7 | 39.0 | 45.6 | 43.5 | 29.0 | 22.5 | 23.5 |
100 m | 48.6 | 54.8 | 44.9 | 51.6 | 48.6 | 43.0 | 38.2 | 35.5 |
Athletics | 145.9 | 135.3 | 127.5 | 128.7 | 139.4 | 83.7 | 72.8 | 73.6 |
Final Total | 806.8⅓ | 791.2 | 741.2⅔ | 740.1⅓ | 681.2⅓ | 626.0⅔ | 558.4 | 518.9⅓ |
% of Total | 89.652 | 87.911 | 82.357 | 82.237 | 75.692 | 69.563 | 62.044 | 57.669 |
C = Compulsoires; O = Optionals
Sorry for displaying the scores in a vertical manner. Websites aren’t particularly good with horizontal tables.
To avoid rounding, some publications did report results using fractions instead of decimal points. So, 806.8⅓ meant 806.8333 (repeating), and 741.2⅔ meant 741.2666 (repeating).
Comparing the two top teams:
Event | TCH | SUI |
High Bar | 111.2⅔ | 113.0⅔ |
Parallel Bars | 108.2⅔ | 109.10 |
Rings | 110.0 | 100.5⅔ |
Pommel Horse | 111.4⅓ | 110.3 |
Floor Exercise | 108.0 | 107.3⅓ |
Vault | 112.0 | 115.5⅓ |
Shot Put | 48.7 | 29.8 |
High Jump | 48.6 | 50.7 |
100 m | 48.6 | 54.8 |
Total | 806.8⅓ | 791.2 |
And since the fight for third place was so close…
Event | YUG | FRA |
High Bar | 110.2 | 108.5⅔ |
Parallel Bars | 97.1⅓ | 102.3 |
Rings | 98.1 | 91.6⅔ |
Pommel Horse | 103.8 | 96.7 |
Floor Exercise | 97.7⅓ | 107.7⅓ |
Vault | 106.8 | 104.7⅔ |
Shot Put | 43.6 | 31.5 |
High Jump | 39.0 | 45.6 |
100 m | 44.9 | 51.6 |
Total | 741.2⅔ | 740.1⅓ |
Keep in mind that vault, shot put, high jump, and the 100 m sprint were on the final day, so France’s performances in athletics probably made Yugoslavia nervous.
Since the final team score was based on the six best all-around scores — not the six best scores per apparatus — teams did not know how they fared until the very end of the competition.
According to the official rules, he top six gymnasts received awards.
Gymnast | Country | Total |
1. Jan Gajdoš | TCH | 138.0 ⅔ |
2. Jan Sládek | TCH | 137.4 ⅔ |
3. Eugen Mack | SUI | 136.4 |
4. Alois Hudec | TCH | 136.3 ⅓ |
5. Leo Schürmann | SUI | 134.5 ⅓ |
6. Gustav Hrubý | TCH | 133.8 ⅓ |
7. Walter Beck | SUI | 132.6 |
8. Hans Nägelin | SUI | 131.3 ⅔ |
9. Emanuel Löffler | TCH | 131.3 ⅓ |
10. Vratislav Petráček | TCH | 129.8 ⅓ |
11. Guglielmo Schmid | SUI | 128.7 ⅔ |
12. Lucien Masset | FRA | 128.6 ⅓ |
13. Albert Bachmann | SUI | 127.5 ⅓ |
14. Josip Vadnav | YUG | 127.3 |
15. Janko Pristov | YUG | 127.2 ⅔ |
For scores for places 16 through 59, jump to the bottom of the page.
Apparatus Results
The top three in each event received awards.
High Bar
Gymnast | Country | Total |
1. Reusch | SUI | 19.7 ⅔ |
2. Hudec | TCH | 19.7 |
3. Beck | SUI | 19.4 ⅓ |
4. Mack | SUI | 19.3 ⅓ |
5. Primožič | YUG | 19.3 |
6. Schürmann | SUI | 19.1 ⅔ |
7. Walter | FRA | 19.0 ⅔ |
8T. Gajdoš | TCH | 19.0 ⅓ |
8T. Kujundžić | YUG | 19.0 ⅓ |
10. Sládek | TCH | 18.8 ⅔ |
Parallel Bars
Gymnast | Country | Total |
1. Reusch | SUI | 19.5 ⅔ |
2. Hudec | TCH | 19.5 ⅓ |
3. Primožič | YUG | 18.7 ⅓ |
4. Mack | SUI | 18.6 ⅔ |
5. Nägelin | SUI | 18.4 ⅓ |
6. Gajdoš | TCH | 18.3 ⅓ |
7. Masset | FRA | 18.1 ⅔ |
8. Schmid | SUI | 18.1 ⅓ |
9T. Beck | SUI | 18.1 |
9T. Schürmann | SUI | 18.1 |
Gymnast | Country | Total |
1. Hudec | TCH | 19.6 ⅓ |
2. Reusch | SUI | 19.3 |
3. Petráček | TCH | 18.7 ⅓ |
4. Löffler | TCH | 18.4 ⅓ |
5. Kosman | POL | 18.3 ⅓ |
6. Mack | SUI | 18.3 |
7T. Gajdoš | TCH | 18.2 ⅔ |
7T. Skrbinšek | YUG | 18.2 ⅔ |
7T. Tintěra | TCH | 18.2 ⅔ |
10. Forte | YUG | 17.9 |
Pommel Horse
Gymnast | Country | Total |
1. Reusch | SUI | 19.5 ⅔ |
2. Petráček | TCH | 19.4 ⅔ |
3. Schürmann | SUI | 19.4 |
4. Gajdoš | TCH | 19.1 ⅔ |
5. Sládek | TCH | 19.0 ⅔ |
6. Mack | SUI | 18.9 |
7. Bachmann | SUI | 18.7 ⅔ |
8. Schmid | SUI | 18.4 ⅔ |
9. Hudec | TCH | 18.3 |
10. Tintěra | TCH | 18.2 ⅓ |
Gymnast | Country | Total |
1. Mack | SUI | 19.8 ⅓ |
2. Beck | SUI | 19.6 ⅔ |
3. Nägelin | SUI | 19.5 |
4. Hrubý | TCH | 19.3 ⅔ |
5. Schürmann | SUI | 19.2 |
6. Walter | FRA | 19.1 ⅔ |
7. Kugeler | LUX | 18.9 ⅔ |
8. Bachmann | SUI | 18.9 ⅓ |
9T. Vadnav | YUG | 18.9 |
9T. Hudec | TCH | 18.9 |
Floor Exercise
Gymnast | Country | Total |
1. Gajdoš | TCH | 18.8 ⅓ |
2T. Hudec | TCH | 18.5 ⅔ |
2T. Mack | SUI | 18.5 ⅔ |
4. Reusch | SUI | 18.3 ⅔ |
5T. Benhaim | FRA | 18.2 ⅔ |
5T. Petráček | TCH | 18.2 ⅔ |
5T. Schürmann | SUI | 18.2 ⅔ |
8. Masset | FRA | 18.2 ⅓ |
9. Löffler | TCH | 18.1 |
10. Beck | TCH | 18.0 |
What did the gymnasts win?
According to the official rules, here were the awards for the team competition:
The winning team will receive for its Federation a crown with gold-fringed rubans and a large gold medal and diploma. Each member of the team, including the technical director, a small gold medal and diploma.
The second a crown with gold-fringed rubans and a large silver medal and diploma. Each member of the team, including the technical director, a small silver medal and diploma.
The third a crown with gold-fringed rubans and a large bronze medal and a diploma. Each member of the team, including the technical director, a small bronze medal and diploma.
The three following teams, 4th, 5th, 6th ranks will receive a diploma and a bronze medal.
The rulebook also noted:
Objects of art can accompany these distinctions.
And there were objects of art, including a crystal cup and a silver one.
All first place finishes were rewarded with gold medals, the second with silver medals, and the third with bronze medals. The winning team of ČOS. won for the first time the traveling crystal cup of the Ministry of Health and Physical Education of the Czechoslovak Republic and the silver cup of Count Zamoysky; The Swiss and Yugoslavs received handmade glass vases and all the teams received from ČOS as a memory for this event photo albums full of art of Prague.
X. všesokolský slet v Praze 1938
Všechna prvá místa byla odměněna zlatými medailemi, druhá stříbrnými a třetí bronzovými. Vítězné družstvo ČOS. získalo po prvé putovní křišťálový pohár ministerstva zdravotnictví a tělesné výchovy ČSR. a stříbrný pohár hraběte Zamoyského; Švýcaři a Jugoslávci dostali broušené vázy a všechna družstva obdržela od ČOS. v upomínku umělecká alba Prahy.
How was the judging?
It depended on whom you asked.
SUI: There were many divergent views.
During the performances, there was a lively exchange of views among the judges on scoring and deductions. There should have been a technical agreement on the evaluation mode in all apparatus, but in the course of the competition, one or the other judge’s heart will certainly deviate more or less from the agreed mode.
Neue Zürcher Nachrichten, July 1, 1938
Bei den Demonstrationen herrschte em lebhafter Meinungsaustausch unter den Kampfrichtern über die Bewertung und die Abzüge. Man dürfte sich in sämtlichen Geräten technisch über den Bewertungsmodus geeinigt haben, doch wird im Verlaufe der Wettkämpfe das eine oder andere Kampfrichterherz sicherlich mehr oder weniger von dem vereinbarten Modus abweichen.
TCH: The judging was impeccable.
There was no reason to protest during the whole event – good feedback to the judges, team leaders, and competitors
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Nebyla během celého závodu příčina k protestu — dobré vysvědčení to soudcům, vedoucím družstev i závodníkům.
Competition Commentary
Floor | Pommel Horse | Rings | Parallel Bars | High Bar | Vault | Track and Field
TCH: The compulsory floor routine was a challenge for everyone. Few gymnasts scored over a 9.0.
The difficulty of the mandatory exercise and the strictness of the judges is evidenced by the fact that only Hudec and Gajdoš, Swiss Mack, and Frenchman Benalim received over nine points.
X. všesokolský slet v Praze 1938
O obtížnosti povinné sestavy a přísnosti soudců svědčí to, že nad devět bodů dostali naši jen Hudec a Gajdoš, Švýcar Mack a Francouz Benalim. Vítězství získal Gajdoš jednak nejlepším provedením sestavy povinné a pak dokonale stavěnou a krásně zacvičenou volnou.
Reminder: Gymnasts could repeat their compulsory routines, and the best score counted.
POL: Two of our gymnasts were underscored. The crowd loved them.
We started the competition with free exercises. The judging was generally objective and fair. Only the low scores for compulsory floor raised objections. The results achieved by Pietrzykowski and Kosman, only slightly exceeding 8 points, hurt our team members, which was also stated by other members watching the competition. If we measure the results by the applause of the watching audience, then our leading representatives deserved much more than 8 points.
Sokół (Poland), 1938, number 9
Rozpoczęliśmy zawody ćwiczeniami wolnymi. Sędziowanie było naogół obiektywne i sprawiedliwe. Zastrzeżenia budziły jedynie niskie noty za ćwiczenia wolne, obowiązkowe. Uzyskane przez Pietrzykowskiego i Kosmana wyniki, przekraczające tylko nieznacznie 8 pkt., krzywdzą naszych zawodników, co zresztą stwierdzali przyglądający się zawodom inni członkowie. Jeżeli mierzyć wyniki oklaskami przyglądającej się publiczności, to należało się naszym czołowym reprezentantom grubo ponad 8 pkt.
SUI: The Swiss gymnasts had to repeat the floor routine.
With the exception of Schürmann, everyone repeated the compulsory floor routine and there have recently been some improvements in the results. The best man was Mack with 18.566 points. Reusch impressed the judges with the elegance of his freely chosen exercise, which was paid for with 9.533 points. Beck’s form on the day has also improved in the meantime. The balance of the Swiss team was evident, especially since the Czechs have two weaker competitors in their ranks.
Neue Zürcher Nachrichten, July 1, 1938
Mit Ausnahme von Schürmann wiederholten alle die obligatorische Freiübung und es kam dabei neuerdings zu einigen Verbesserungen der Resultate. Bester Mann war Mack mit 18,566 P. Reusch bestach die Kampfrichter durch die Eleganz seiner freigewählten Uebung, die mit 9,533 P. bezahlt wurde. Becks Tagesform hafte sich inzwischen ebenfalls verbessert. Die Ausgeglichemheit der Schweizer Mannschaft trat klar zutage, zumal die Tschechen in ihren Reihen zwei schwächere Wettkämpfer haben.
TCH: The Czechoslovak optional floor routines were remarkable.
In terms of optional floor exercise, the Swiss champions were defeated in the Prague competition. The calmness of our champions in endurance, the richness of the elements in the optional routines and especially the purposefully light combination of the gracefully assembled exercises provided us with first place. The winner, brother Gajdoš, deservedly took the lead.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Ve cvičeních prostných švýcarští mistři byli v pražském závodě poraženi. Klid našich cvičenců ve výdržích, bohatství prvků ve volných sestavách a hlavně účelově lehká vazba ladně sestavených cviků dala prvenství našim. Vítěz, bratr Gajdoš, zaslouženě odnesl prvenství.
Pommel Horse
SUI: The compulsory pommel horse routine proved to be tricky for the Swiss.
The Swiss started with the pommel horse. After not having achieved entirely satisfactory results in the first round of the obligatory exercise, the repetition brought them an excellent overall result. Even the specialists like Reusch, Schürmann, Mack, and Bachmann had to repeat their exercises to get good scores. The two-legged circles with 1 counter-swing made all kinds of things difficult, but the bumps in the first round could be made up for with the exception of Beck.
Neue Zürcher Nachrichten, July 1, 1938
Die Schweizer begannen am Pauschen-Pferd. Nachdem sie im ersten Durchgang der obligatorischen Uebung nicht ganz befriedigende Resultate erzielt hatten, brachte ihnen die Wiederholung ein ganz ausgezeichnetes Gesamtresultat. Sogar die Spezialisten wie Reusch, Schürmann, Mack und Bachmann mussten ihre Uebungen wiederholen, um gute Noten zu erhalten. Das beidbeinige Kreisen mit 1 Gegenschwung machte allerhand zu schfaffen, doch konnten die Unebenheiten des ersten Durchganges mit Ausnahme Becks gutgemacht werden.
SUI: The optional routines were mixed. Nägelin and Beck struggled, while Reusch excelled.
Immediately afterwards, the optional horse exercises were performed. The table of scores shows that the work here was also excellent. Nägelin was severely punished by breaking off the exercise prematurely, and Beck had let himself be thrown off course by the mishap in the obligatory. With a magnificent performance and an overall result of 19.6 points, Michael Reusch has so far taken the lead and has every chance of becoming world champion.
Neue Zürcher Nachrichten, July 1, 1938
Unmittelbar anschliessend wurden die freigewählten Pferdübungen geturnt. Es geht aus der Notentabelle hervor, dass auch hier die Arbeit vorzüglich war. Nägelin wurde durch einen vorzeitigen Abbruch der Uebung sehr stark bestraft und Beck hatte sich durch das Missgeschick in der Obligatorischen stark aus dem Konzept bringen lassen. Michael Reusch setzte sich mit einer prachtvollen Leistung und dem Gesamtresultat von 19,6 Punkten bisher ganz überlegen an die Spitze und hat alle Aussichten, Weltmeister zu werden.
TCH: Reusch, Mack, and Nägelin had machine-like precision, and Schürman’s routine enthralled the audience.
The Swiss team, which was recognized as the biggest rival for the championship title, attracted the attention of the entire auditorium. The Swiss confirmed the reputation that preceded them in Prague in preparation for the Prague competition: that they were well prepared to celebrate the title of champions from Budapest. Training on sidehorse captivated the audience with their ease of majesty, safety, and rare posture. Reusch, Mack, Nägelin had machine-like precision in an elegant way. Schürmann began with a beautifully elevated one-legged exercise, causing a storm of astonishment with the audience, but a slight interruption reduced his final mark in the evaluation.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Pozornost celého hlediště upoutalo družstvo švýcarské, které bylo uznávaným největším soupeřem o mistrovský titul. Švýcaři potvrdili pověst, která je do Prahy předbíhala ve zprávách o přípravě na pražský závod: že on dobře připraveni obhajovati titul mistrů z Budapešti. Cvičením na koni uchvátili obecenstvo svojí lehkostí metání, jistotou a vzácným držením těla. Reusch, Mack, Nagelin, to byla pohybová strojová přesnost v elegantním podání. Schürman začal krásně vysoko zvedanými mety jednonož, strhl bouři údivu, ale malé přerušení snížilo mu známku v provedení.
TCH: This was Czechoslovakia’s best pommel horse rotation to date, but they still couldn’t beat the Swiss on the apparatus.
The overall impression of the [Czechoslovak] team was excellent. Excellent side horse, not yet beaten by anyone, not even in the Berlin Olympiad. And yet, our team had the same result, only a few tenths of a point in favor of the Swiss. Petráček, Gaidoš, Löfler, Hrubý and Hudec all represented and fought hard for their marks on side horse such as the Swiss. Petráček, in particular, had the greatest success on the side horse. He was second to the Swiss Reusch.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Celkový dojem družstva byl znamenitý. Výborní na koni na šíř, dosud nikým neporaženi, ani v berlínské olympiadě. A přece, naše družstvo mělo výsledek stejný, jen o několik desetin bodu vyzněl rozdíl ve prospěch Švýcarů. Petráček, Gaidoš, Löfler, Hrubý a Hudec, všichni uhájili známky na koni takové jako Švýcaři. Zvláště Petráček měl největší svůj úspěch na koni. Byl druhým za Švýcarem Reuschem.
SUI: Schürmann had a wrist injury.
With a heavy heart, the Swiss stood in front of the rings at 4 p.m. Schürmann’s wrist pain had been alleviated by a medical intervention and the brave lad survived the difficult test, although he had to accept hardships that did not quite match his skills. The whole team solved the task quite satisfactorily and they were greeted with great applause when they left.
Neue Zürcher Nachrichten, July 1, 1938
Mit schwerem Herzen standen die Schweizer um 16 Uhr vor den Ringen. Schürmanns Schmerzen im Handgelenk waren durch einen ärztlichen Eingriff gemildert worden und der wackere Bursche überstand die schwere Prüfung, wobei er allerdings Nöten entgegennehmen musste, die seinem Können nicht ganz entsprechen. Die ganze Mannschaft löste die Aufgabe durchaus zufriedenstellend und sie wurde bei ihrem Abtreten mit grossem Beifall bedacht.
TCH: The Czechoslovaks were surprised by the ease of Reusch’s compulsory routine.
Ours did the same way in the ring’s discipline. They safely defended the team’s first place, and brother Hudec took first place ahead of the Swiss Reusch, who surprised us with the ease of performing the compulsory performance and therefore, he – with pride – was second, right after brother Hudec.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Stejně se vedlo našim na kruzích. Bezpečně uhájili prvenství družstva a br. Hudec prvenství jednotlivce před Švýcarem Reůschem, který překvapil lehkostí provedení povinné i své volné sestavy a právem se umístil za br. Hudcem.
TCH: The Swiss gymnasts were the only ones who pulled off the tricky compulsory ring routine.
The Swiss were the only ones who performed the problematic compulsory routine on the rings, just a few points behind our team. The other teams fought hard to defeat the strong winning team. The Yugoslavs, the French, remained closest to the Swiss. Several individuals of the Polish team were surprising us with their performance; they have made significant progress on the rings since the event in Berlin. Luxembourg, Belgians and Bulgarians were weaker than the French and Yugoslavs.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Švýcaři byli jediní, kteří se čestně zhostili obtížné sestavy povinné na kruzích, o několik jen bodů za družstvem naším. Ostatní družstva těžce zápasila o zdolání silácké sestavy kruhové. Nejblíž za Švýcary zůstali Jihoslované, Francouzi. Překvapilo několik jednotlivců družstva polského, kteří na kruzích učinili veliký pokrok od Berlína. Lucemburští, Belgičané a Bulhaři byli o třídu slabší Francouzů a Jihoslovanů.
Parallel Bars
SUI: Everyone knows that we are bad at parallel bars.
After a break, the Swiss tackled parallel bars. It was known that the exercises between the bars are not for all Swiss. The first round gave rise to serious fears. Schmid worked surprisingly well, while Mack had to accept a weak score.
Neue Zürcher Nachrichten, July 1, 1938
Nach einer Pause nahmen die Schweizer das Barren-Turnen in Angriff. Man wusste, dass die Uebungen zwischen den Holmen nicht allen Schweizern liegen. Der erste Durchgang liess denn auch ernsthafte Befürchtungen aufkommen. Ueberfaschend gut arbeitete Schmid, während Mack eine schwache Note in Kauf nehmen musste.
TCH: There was a rumor that the Swiss were struggling with the compulsory routine, but they pulled it off.
The Swiss team was very successful on the parallel bars. We knew that they excelled at this discipline. They were preceded by a rumor that they did not control the turn in the mandatory line-up, but they did this perfectly during the competition itself. On the optional routines, they even showed the ease of doing back tosses from handstand, high turns from front swings, almost to handstand, and many lesser-known elements and tricks.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Družstvo Švýcarů mělo veliký úspěch na bradlech. Věděli jsme o nich, že na tomto nářadí vynikají. Předcházela je pověst, že neovládají v povinné sestavě toč do vzporu, ale při závodě cpravili tuto pověst dokonale. Ve volných sestavách pak ukázali lehkost prováděných přemetů nazad ze stoje o rukou do vzporu, vysoké obraty předkmihem, téměř do stoje o rukou, a nespočetnou řadu prvků a spojů méně známých.
TCH: Hudec’s routine was the most difficult in the competition.
The training of our representatives was awarded a few points less than the Swiss, but the performance was such that they achieved the same success in individuals here as well. Hudec took second place on parallel bars behind the Swiss Reusch; he boasted beautiful precision on his rolls to handstand and turns to handstand. Hudec’s line-up was the most difficult of all the sets on the parallel bars.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Cvičení našich závodníků bylo oceněno o několik bodů slaběji než Švýcarů, ale provedení bylo takové, že i zde dosahovali v jednotlivcích úspěchy stejné. Hudec stal se druhým vítězem na bradlech za Švýcarem Reuschem; pochlubil se krásnými přesnými kotouly do stoje o rukou a točem do stoje o rukou. Hudcova sestava byla silácky nejobtížnější ze všech podaných sestav na bradlech.
TCH: The Swiss and the Czechoslovak gymnasts had two very distinct styles on parallel bars.
And that’s also our different nature of doing parallel bar exercises. The Swiss choose swings and turns, while our champions still have an apparent desire for strength and a calmer swing. They don’t exaggerate anywhere, while the Swiss put together courage exercises and exaggerated loops. This makes their teams more attractive and reaches a better result in the judges’ minds.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
A to je také náš rozdílný charakter podání cviků na bradlech. Švýcaři volí sestavy švihů a obratů, zatím co naši cvičenci stále ještě mají patrnou zálibu v tahu a klidnějším švihu. Nikde nepřehánějí, zatím co Švýcaři zařazují do sestav cviky odvahy a přehnaného kmihu. Tím se stávají jejich sestavy líbivější i v ocenění soudců doznávají lepší výsledek.
High Bar
SUI: The Czechoslovaks got high scores, but at least four of their men were overscored.
The Czechs started their workload on horizontal bar and totaled 70.233 points in the compulsory exercise and 75.6 points in the optional exercise. The latter result proved that the jury gave the Czechs a very good rating. There were exercises among them that really deserved the high marks, but at least 4 men were overscored.
Neue Zürcher Nachrichten, July 1, 1938
Die Tschechen haben ihr Pensum am Reck begonnen und totalisierten in der obligatorischen Uebung 70,233 Punkte und in der freigewählten 75,6 Punkte. Letzteres Resultat bewies, dass die Jury die Leistungen der Tschechen sehr gut bewertete. Es befanden sich Uebungen darunter, die die hohen Noten wirklich verdienten, doch sind mindestens 4 Mann überzahlt worden.
TCH: A lot of teams had to omit or alter the compulsory high bar routine.
The obligatory horizontal bar set was a challenge for all competitors. The Swiss, like ours, were only able to overcome the barriers by turning safely; many of the other competitors had to be satisfied with omitting or changing this exercise.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Povinná hrazdová sestava byla oříškem pro všecky závodníky. Švýcaři jako naši teprve opravami zdolávali bezpečně kolo odbočme, z ostatních závodníků musili se mnozí spokojiti vynecháním nebo záměnou tohoto tvaru.
TCH: Our optional routines were great, but the Swiss were even better.
Optional routines on the horizontal bar were the most beautiful part of the event. Our competitors were very well prepared, they did not do anything wrong with their sets, everyone finished with total confidence. The compositions of the horizontal bar sets became richer in swing and combination, but they did not yet reach the level of the Swiss.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Volné sestavy na hrazdě byly nejkrásnější částí celého závodu. Naši závodníci byli velmi dobře připraveni, neslevovali se svých sestav, každý dokončoval s plnou jistotou. Skladby hrazdových sestav staly se bohatší švihem i vazbou, ale přece ještě nedosáhly výše Švýcarů.
TCH: The Swiss deserved the highest total on high bar.
The Swiss are still a step higher in performing, confidence and bravura. They deservedly received the highest number of points, but the difference in points was still more remarkable than the performance itself.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Švýcaři stále ještě jsou o stupínek výš způsobem podání, jistotou a bravurou. Zaslouženě získali největší počet bodů, ale tady rozdíl bodový přece jen byl větší, než bylo provedením ukázáno. Velmi dobrý výsledek na hrazdě měli Jihoslované a Francouzi. Švýcar Reusch i zde získal mistrovství.
Note: Vault and athletics were on the second day of competition (July 1).
POL: Vault was a high point for the team.
We did relatively best on vault. The best score out of all the teams for the compulsory jump was achieved by Kosman with 9.933, not far behind him Bregu 9.8 2/3 and Pietrzykowski 9.8 2/3 Gaca 9.7 and Szlosarek 9.4 2/3. As I have already mentioned, vault was our strong point. Gaca promises to be the best on vault, and as long as he establishes and sizes up his approach, he may achieve nice results.
Sokół (Poland), 1938, number 9
Stosunkowo najlepiej wypadliśmy w skokach przez konia. Najlepszy wynik ze wszystkich drużyn za przeskok obowiązkowy uzyskał Kosman wynikiem 9,9 1/3, niewiele ustępują mu Breguła 9,8 2/3 i Pietrzykowski 9,8 2/3, Gaca 9,7, oraz Szlosarek 9,4 2/3. Jak już zaznaczyłem, skoki przez konia były mocnym naszym punktem.
TCH: Mack got a 10.0!
The best vaulters were again the Swiss. For optional vaults, they won the best final mark of the team, and in the individual competition, the Swiss Mack got the mark of 10 – the only one in the event ever. Our performers still lack starting speed, a short bounce with their hands on the apparatus. The other teams had an average result. Individuals vaulted nicely within the teams of Yugoslavia, Poland, and France.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Nejlepšími skokany přes koně na dél byli opět Švýcaři. Za volné skoky odnesli si nejlepší výslednou známku družstva a v jednotlivcích Švýcar Mack 10 — jedinou za celý nářaďový závod. Našim závodníkům stále chybí rychlost rozběhu, krátký odraz rukama na nářadí. Ostatní družstva měla průměrný výsledek. Pěkně skákali jednotlivci u Jihoslovanů, Poláků a Francouzů.
Note: The compulsory vault was a piked vault from the neck (the far end of the vault).
Shot Put
POL: It wasn’t hard for two of our team members to score a 10.
We started with the shot put, where teammates Kosman, Pietrzykowski and Radojewski, without making any effort, scored 10 points each on their first throw. Breguła, 8.8 points.
Sokół (Poland), 1938, number 9
W dniu następnym rozpoczęła się lekkoatletyka, która nie sprawiała nam tyle trudności, Rozpoczęliśmy od pchnięcia kulą, gdzie druhowie Kosman, Pietrzykowski, Radojewski nie wysilając się za pierwszym rzutem uzyskali po 10 pkt. Breguła natomiast 8,8 pkt.
TCH: Shot put was the downfall of the Swiss gymnasts.
The Swiss lost their last hope of winning the championship in the shot put. None of their competitors achieved the total number of points. Our performers overtook the Swiss by 22 points, which was enough for the final result. The Yugoslavs had the best result in the shot put and jumped over our team. The Poles also did well.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
Ve vrhu koulí ztratili Švýcaři poslední naději získat prvenství. Ani jeden z jejich závodníků nedosáhl plného počtu bodů. Naši závodníci předstihli zde Švýcary o 22 bodů a to již stačilo na konečný výsledek. Nejlepší výsledek ve vrhu koulí měli Jihoslované, před naším družstvem. Dobře vrhali také Poláci.
TCH: Only seven gymnasts scored a 10.
The total number of points for the 10.5 m shot put won by 7 competitors, most of whom are Poles. Not one of the Swiss.
X. všesokolský slet v Praze 1938
Plný počet bodů za vrh 10.5 m získává 7 závodníků, z nichž nejvíce jest Poláků. Ze Švýcarů ani jeden.
High Jump
POL: We did relatively well on high jump.
Our team did well also in high jump. Pietrzykowski was the first one from all nations to exceed 1.60 m, that is the height for which 10 points were given. Four of our competitors, Bettyna, Kosman, Gaca and Radojewski jumped over 1.50 m., 1.45 m. – Breguła, and 1.40 m. – Szlosarek and Pradela. In the high jump, we were the best scoring teams of the championships.
Sokół (Poland), 1938, number 9
Pietrzykowski pierwszy z zawodników ze wszystkich narodów przekroczył 1,60 m., to jest wysokość, za którą dawano 10 pkt. Czterech naszych zawodników i to druhowie Bettyna, Kosman, Gaca i Radojewski przekroczyli wysokość 1,50 m., 1,45 m., skoczył Breguła i po 1,40 m., druhowie Szlosarek i Pradela. Należeliśmy w skoku wzwyż do najlepiej punktowanych zastępów mistrzostw.
TCH: Only six gymnasts scored a 10.
Only 6 competitors jumped 160 cm to 10 points.
X. všesokolský slet v Praze 1938
Výšku 160 cm na 10 bodů skočilo jen 6 závodníků.
100 m
POL: We were happy with our results in the 100 m.
The 100 m run ended very well for us. Among the strong competition, our competitors managed to break the tape four times, as the first. The best result was achieved by Pietrzykowski, doing 12.3 per hundred (one of the best results at the competition). Bettyna and Kosman did 12.4 per set, obtaining 9.2 points. Radojewski did the third time, 12.5, obtaining 8.8 points. It should be emphasized that the time of Szlosarek, a very balanced and ambitious competitor, and Gaca was quite good, and unfortunately, the time of Breguła was very poor.
Sokół (Poland), 1938, number 9
W cale dobrze skończył się dla nas bieg 100 m. Wśród silnej konkurencji zdołali nasi zawodnicy czterokrotnie przerwać taśmę, jako pierwsi. Najlepszy wynik uzyskał Pietrzykowski, robiąc na setkę 12,3 (jeden z najlepszych wyników na zawodach). Po 12,4 na setkę zrobili druhowie Bettyna i Kosman, uzyskując 9,2. Trzeci czas zrobił Radojewski 12,5, uzyskując 8,8 pkt. Podkreślić jeszcze wypada dość dobry czas Szlosarka bardzo zrównoważonego i ambitnego zawodnika, i Gacy, oraz niestety bardzo słaby czas Breguły.
TCH: The French team was far superior in the 100 m, but it wasn’t enough to beat the Yugoslav team for third place.
In the final run at 100 m, the Swiss were the best – they ran a few points better with the finish line than our sportspeople. The Yugoslavs were severely beaten by the French team, which had fast racers, but the result was not enough to win over the Yugoslavs. The ranking remained unchanged after the first day’s result; only the point difference changed.
Sokol (Czechoslovakia), 1938, 6-8
V konečném běhu na 100 m byli nejlepšími Švýcaři — o několik bodů lépe proběhli páskou cílovou než naši závodníci. Jihoslované byli zde silně ohroženi družstvem Francouzů, které mělo rychlé závodníky, ale nakonec nestačil výsledek předstihnouti Jihoslovany. Pořadí zůstalo nezměněno po výsledku z prvého dne, jen rozdíl bodový se změnil.
TCH: Again, most gymnasts struggled to get the full 10 points.
Only 5 competitors reached the time of 12.2 seconds to get the highest marks for this effort.
X. všesokolský slet v Praze 1938
Času 12.2 vteřiny na plný počet dosáhlo jen 5 závodníků.
Appendix A: Track and Field Scoring
Appendix B: All-Around Results (16-59)
Gymnast | Country | Total |
16. Armand Walter | FRA | 126.6 |
17. Maurice Benhaim | FRA | 125.2 ⅔ |
18. Gaston Murray | FRA | 124.6 ⅔ |
19. Josip Primožič | YUG | 124.6 ⅓ |
20. Jindřich Tintěra | TCH | 124.1 ⅓ |
21. Edmund Kosman | POL | 124.1 |
22T. Boris Gregorka | YUG | 123.7 ⅔ |
22T. Jean Kugeler | LUX | 123.7 ⅔ |
24. Michael Reusch | SUI | 121.0 |
25. Wincenty Pietrzykowski | POL | 120.8 ⅓ |
26. Josip Kujundžić | YUG | 119.3 ⅔ |
27. Siegbert Bader | SUI | 119.3 ⅓ |
28. Louis Riollet | FRA | 119.1 ⅔ |
29. Miro Forte | YUG | 118.9 |
30. Josef Novotný | TCH | 116.3 |
31. Stjepan Boltižar | YUG | 116.0 1/3 |
32. Paul Cacheux | FRA | 115.5 |
33. Amand Solbach | FRA | 115.1 |
34. Mathias Logelin | LUX | 114.5 ⅔ |
35. Miloš Skrbinšek | YUG | 111.8 ⅔ |
36. Wilhelm Breguła | POL | 110.6 ⅔ |
37. Neno Mirtchev | BUL | 110.3 ⅔ |
38. André Weingand | FRA | 109.3 ⅔ |
39. Tadeusz Bettyna | POL | 109.0 ⅔ |
40. J. A. Romersa | LUX | 108.3 ⅔ |
41. Paweł Gaca | POL | 108.3 ⅓ |
42. Bernard Radajewski | POL | 108.2 ⅓ |
43. Arthur Defer | BEL | 104.1 |
44. Hri Boddaert, Jr. | BEL | 103.4 ⅔ |
45. Georges Wengler | LUX | 99.9 |
46. Adolf Bickert | BEL | 99.4 ⅓ |
47. Wilhelm Szlosarek | POL | 99.1 ⅓ |
48. Kosta Ignatov | BUL | 96.0 ⅓ |
49. Maksymilian Pradela | POL | 95.9 ⅔ |
50. Joseph Foulon | BEL | 93.9 ⅓ |
51. François Haupert | LUX | 90.5 ⅔ |
52. Willy Klein | LUX | 88.9 |
53. Ivan Tchouresky | BUL | 86.1 ⅓ |
54. Albert Maest | BEL | 83.1 ⅔ |
55. Metodi Christov | BUL | 78.9 ⅔ |
56. Josif Christov | BUL | 74.8 ⅓ |
57. Stan. Stobbaert | BEL | 74.4 |
58. Ivan Siarov | BUL | 72.6 |
59. Robert Weiwers | LUX | 66.8 ⅓ |