The 1970 University Games fell during the year of the World Championships. Previously, the Universiade was held during the years between the Olympic Games and the World Championships (1961, 1963, 1965, and 1967). However, the 1969 University Games in Portugal fell through, and Turin, Italy, held the competition in 1970.
As a result, Japan had to make a tough decision. Which gymnasts would they send to the University Games? And which ones would they send to the World Championships? They decided not to send the same gymnasts to both.
In Japan’s Official Report on the University Games, Ota Masahide summarized Japan’s preparation for the competition. What follows is a translation…
As you’ll see, adjusting to foreign equipment has been a challenge for decades.

Caption: Okamura’s rings that won the men’s all-around (男子個人総合に優勝した岡村のつり輪)
Source: Japan’s Official Report on the 1970 University Games
Background of Athlete Selection
The Universiade athletes’ selection was held on May 5, Children’s Day, at Komazawa Gymnasium.
The 57 men’s and 38 women’s athletes from various universities, including current and alumni students, competed in a heated competition. Both men’s and women’s competitions pitted young players against experienced athletes, Tsukahara and Oda. In the men’s competition, up-and-coming athletes Honma and Kasamatsu showed remarkable performance, while in the women’s competition, Suzuki, Inoue, and Hasegawa took the top places respectively.
The results of the Universiade athletes’ selection are as follows.
1 Honma Fumio (Otsuka) 56.70
2 Kasamatsu Shigeru (Tokai TV) 56.55
3 Tsukahara Mitsuo (Kawai Gakki) 56.20
4 Okamura Teruichi (Nippon Sport Science University) 56.10
5 Ohara Kenji (Nippon University Alumni club) 55.55
6 Senda Taichi (Nippon Sport Science University) 55.15
7 Hosokawa Shinichi (Kokushikan University) 54.85
8 Fujimori Ryuji (Chukyo University) 54.70
9 Hara Hiroyoshi (Nippon University Alumni club) 54.60
9 Tanaka Shiro (Nippon Sport Science University) 54.60Women
1 Oda Chieko (Nippon University Swallow) 37.35
監督 太田 昌秀
2 Suzuki Kazuyo (Higashi Women’s Sports Alumni) 36.60
2 Inoue Noriko (Nippon University Swallow) 36.60
4 Hasegawa Takako (Nippon Sport Science University) 36.35
5 Hanyu Kazunaga (Nippon Sport Science University) 36.05
5 Mizukawa Mitsuko (JNTU) 36.05
7 Nagao Yoko (Nippon Sport Science University) 35.90
8 Inatani Kiyoko (Nihon University) 35.80
9 Saito Tamiko (Nihon University) 35.70
10 Hirashima Eiko (Nippon Sport Science University) 35.40
男子57名,女子38名の各大学現役, OB,OGの精鋭を集め,熱戦が繰り拡げられた。 男女ともベテラン塚原,小田両選手に対する若手選手の挑戦となった。男子においては新鋭本間,笠松両選手の活躍が目覚ましく, 女子においては鈴木, 井上, 長谷川選手等がそれぞれ上位を占めた。
1 本間二三雄 (大塚ク) 56.70
2 笠松 茂(東海テレビ) 56.55
3 塚原 光男(河合楽器) 56.20
4 岡村 輝一(日体大) 56.10
5 大原 健司 (日大桜樹ク) 55.55
6 千田 太一 (日体大) 55.15
7 細川 新一 (国士館大) 54.85
8 藤森 龍二 (中京大) 54.70
9 原 弘吉(日大桜樹ク) 54.60
9 田中 四郎(日体大) 54.60
1 小田千恵子 (日体スワロー) 37.35
2 鈴木 和代 ( 東女体OG) 36.60
2 井上 典子 (日体スワロー) 36.60
4長谷川たか子 (日体大) 36.35
5 羽生 和永 (日体大) 36.05
5 水川美津子(日体大) 36.05
7 長尾 洋子 (日体大) 35.90
8 稲谷 清子 (日大) 35.80
9 斎藤多美子 (日大) 35.70
10 平島 栄子 (日体大) 35.40
On July 11 and 12, a little more than two months after the Universiade selection rounds, the selection rounds for the World Championships to be held in Ljubljana in October this year were held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. As a result, the top three finishers in the men’s team were eliminated from the Universiade team, and Ohara, ranked 5th, was unfortunately unable to compete in the second qualifying round for the World Championships due to a fractured knee joint. The women’s team also had to make up a very difficult lineup, as the first, fifth, sixth, and seventh-place finishers were also eliminated, leaving the men’s and women’s teams without their ace athletes.
The decision on the Universiade team was made on July 12, at the same time as the World Championships. The following athletes were selected for the Universiade team:
Coach (Men’s Judge): Ota Masahide (34 years old, Juntendo Univ.)
Women’s Judge: Ikeda Keiko (36 years old, Nippon Sport Science Univ.)
Team Leader: Hara Hiroyoshi (22, Nihon Univ. High School)
Athletes: Okamura Teruichi (22, Nippon Sport Science Univ.), Senda Taichi (21, Nippon Sport Science Univ.), Hosokawa Shinichi (21, Kokushikan Univ.), Fujimori Ryuji (21, Chukyo Univ.), Suzuki Kazuyo (24, Tokyo Women’s College Alumni), Inoue Noriko (22, Nippon Sport Science Univ. Alumni), Inatani Kiyoko (21, Nihon Univ.), Hasegawa Takako (19, Nippon Sport Science Univ.)
ユニバーシアード選手選考会の後、 2ヵ月あまり経過した7月11, 12日の両日に、東京体育館において, 本年10月にリュブリアナで開催される世界選手権大会の選考会が行なわれた。 その結果男子は上位1位から3位までが世界選手権のメンバーとして抜け, さらに5位の大原選手が世界選手権大会の第2次予選会において、不幸にも膝関節の骨折により出場不可能となった。女子も同様に1位と5, 6, 7位が抜けるという結果となり、男女それぞれにエースが抜けた、 非常に苦しいメンバー構成となった。
ユニバーシアード選手団の決定は7月12日, 世界選手権大会のメンバー決定と同時に行なわれた。 ユニバーシアード選手団は次の通り決定された。
監督 (男子審判員): 太田 昌秀 (34才・順天大)
女子審判員 : 池田 敬子 (36才 日体大)
チームリーダー : 原 弘吉 (22才・日大高校)
選手: 岡村輝一 (22才・日体大), 千田太一 (21才 ・ 日体大), 細川新一 (21才・国士館大), 藤森龍二 (21才・中京大), 鈴木和代 (24才 ・ 東女体大卒), 井上典子 (22才・日体大卒), 稲谷清子 (21才・日大), 長谷川たか子 (19才 日体大)
Post-decision Practice and Preparation for the Tournament
As mentioned above, the decision on the team was made on July 12, but this year, the Intercollegiate Games were held in Nagoya from August 16 to 19, and each university had a very busy schedule of training camps in preparation for the Games. Since all the male athletes and half of the female athletes in the Universiade are students, it was difficult to hold the Universiade training camp for a long period of time before the intercollegiate competition.
The training camp was held at the gymnasium of Nihon University for three days from July 16 to 18, followed by a week-long camp from July 20 to 26 at the Physical Education Research Institute of the Ministry of Education in Sugadaira. The primary purpose of this camp was to improve the teamwork of the athletes, and to investigate the difficulty, composition, etc., of the technical aspects, and to practice modifications of the techniques. On the 26th, the last day of the camp, a trial competition was held to discuss and draft the order of the competition.
The departure of the Japanese delegation was on the last day of the intercollegiate competition, and the athletes had to miss the event championships and depart from Haneda.
The gymnastics team parted ways with the Japanese team in London and headed to Frankfurt, Germany. A five-day training camp was held at the Deutsche Turnschule, Germany. The environment and facilities at this sports school were excellent, and the climate was perfect for training. Since most of them had not experienced major international competitions, the main objectives of this camp were to familiarize the players with the living environment in a foreign country and to familiarize them with the equipment.
As always, we spent a lot of time practicing landings, because the equipment, especially mats, are quite different from Japanese ones. In addition, the elasticity of the Reuther springboard and parallel bars were also quite different from those in Japan, and it took a lot of time to get used to them. There, top-class athletes from all over Germany gathered for a training camp. In order to get accustomed to the living environment and to develop the courage to compete, we actively interacted with foreign athletes in particular. At this time, some athletes were getting tired from the intercollegiate competition, so we practiced efficiently in short periods of time, and at the same time, we trained mentally for the big matches. Everyday life was repeated, taking into consideration both the need to avoid being swallowed up by the atmosphere of foreign competitions and to have confidence in one’s own technique.
We left Frankfurt at 17:00 on the 25th for Turin. In Turin, the schedule was such that there was very little time for Japan team to practice at the venue of the games, but we found some free time and practiced at the venue of the games. Since the Italian equipment is almost similar to the German equipment, the practice in Germany was a great help to build up the confidence of the athletes. In the practice sessions leading up to the games, each athlete improved day by day and was able to compete in the best possible condition.
前述のように7月12日選手団の決定が成されたが,今年は8月16日から19日まで名古屋でインターカレッジ大会が開催され, 各大学ともその大会にさいしての合宿練習を行ない, かなり忙しいスケジュールが組まれた。 ユニバーシアードの選手は、 男子は全員学生,女子は半数が学生であるために,インターカレッジ前に長期間ユニバーシアードの合宿を行なうことは困難であった。
7月16日から18日までの3日間, 日本大学の体育館において強化練習を行ない, 引き続き7月20日から26日までの1週間を菅平の文部省体育研究所にて合宿を行なった。 この合宿においては, 主に選手のチームワークを目的とし,さらに技術的な面においては難度, 構成などの調査, 技術の修正練習を行なった。 26日,合宿練習の最終日に試技会を持ち, 試技順を検討し、案を作成した。
体操選手団はロンドンで日本選手団と別れ、ドイツのフランクフルトへ向った。 ドイツ・トゥルンシューン (Deutsche Turnschule) にて5日間の合宿を行なった。この体育学校は環境,施設ともに素晴しく,気候もよく、 練習条件は申し分のない状態であった。 ほとんどの選手が大きな国際試合を経験していないので,この合宿ではまず外国の生活環境に慣れることと,器械に慣れることを主目的とした。
毎回のことながら, 外国においては特にマットが日本の用具とまったく異なるので,着地の練習には特に数をかけた。 その他ロイター踏切板, 平行棒の弾性なども日本のものとかなり異なり、慣れるのにかなりの時間を要した。 そこにはドイツ全土から一流選手が集まり,合宿を行なっていた。 生活環境に慣れること,さらに試合度胸をつけるために, 特に外国選手との交流を積極的に行なった。 このころちょうどインターカレッジの疲れが出てきたので, 短時間に能率のよい練習を行なうと同時に,大試合に対する精神的な負荷を与えトレーニングを積んだ。 外国の試合の雰囲気に呑まれないことと,自己の技術に自信を持つことの両面を配慮し、毎日の生活が繰り返された。
25日17時にフランクフルトを離れ、 トリノに向った。トリノでは日本が試合会場で行なえる練習が非常に少ないようなスケジュールが組まれていたが, 空いている時間帯をみつけ, つとめて試合会場での練習を行なった。イタリアの器械はドイツの器械とほとんど似ているので, ドイツにおける練習が選手に自信をつける大きな力となった。 試合までの練習においては各選手とも日毎に調子が上昇し, 最高のコンディションで試合に臨むことができた。
More on the University Games