
1969: The USGF World Cup

Before the FIG created its World Cup circuit and before the American Cup came into existence, the U.S. tried to organize an annual World Cup.

On Saturday, April 26, 1969, gymnasts from Canada, Finland, Japan, Yugoslavia, and the United States gathered in Long Beach, California for the World Cup.

Here’s more information about the event.

1962 USGF

1962: The Formation of the United States Gymnastics Federation

The first blog on this site starts in 1962 because some gymnastics fans want to burn down USA Gymnastics. In the unlikely event that happens, it would not be the first time that the national governing body for gymnastics would be overthrown. 

In 1962, the United States Gymnastics Federation was formed in an effort to replace the AAU as the official governing body of gymnastics in the United States, and I thought that it would be fun to revisit that history.

What follows are Cliffs Notes. If you want to know more, check out A History of the Development of the United States Gymnastics Federation by Richard Edd Laptad. USA Gymnastics also has its own timeline here.