Between World War I and World War II, Hungary was one of the top gymnastics nations. The Hungarian women’s team finished second at the 1934 World Championships and third at the 1936 Olympics. While the Hungarian men didn’t medal as a team, they had several standout gymnasts, including István Pelle, who achieved a perfect score of 32.00 at the 1930 World Championships. (Prior to WWI, the Hungarian men’s team finished second at the 1912 Olympics.)
In 1948, the Hungarian women finished second while the men finished third. But a curious thing happened in 1950. Hungary allegedly skipped the 1950 World Championships for political reasons. Nevertheless, despite missing the World Championships in Basel, Hungary made a strong return to international gymnastics at the 1952 Olympics. Their trials for the Helsinki Games began in late 1951 with the Masters Championships, where Ágnes Keleti and Lajos Sántha emerged as the winners. (Keleti, a Holocaust survivor, passed away on January 2, 2025, just days shy of her 104th birthday.)
Below, you’ll find the results from the women’s and men’s competitions in 1951, along with commentary on the women’s event.
Women’s Results
Gymnast | Club | UB | FX | BB | HA | VT | Total |
1. Keleti Ágnes | TF Haladás | 19.75 | 19.50 | 19.45 | 19.90 | 18.90 | 97.5 |
2. Mrs. Gulyás | TF Haladás | 18.80 | 19.05 | 19.00 | 19.35 | 18.65 | 94.85 |
3. Korondi | Bp. Vasas | 19.20 | 18.60 | 19.05 | 18.95 | 18.85 | 94.65 |
4. Mrs. Perényi | Bp. Postás | 19.25 | 18.75 | 18.65 | 18.65 | 19.35 | 93.65* |
5. Mrs. Zalai | Bp. Postás | 19.00 | 18.90 | 18.70 | 19.35 | 93.4 | |
6. Mrs. Daruházi | Bp. Vasas | 18.50 | 17.95 | 18.65 | 19.15 | 18.35 | 92.6 |
7. Bodó | Bp. Vörös Meteor | 17.95 | 17.90 | 18.50 | 18.45 | 19.00 | 91.8 |
8. Milanovics | Bp. Vörös Meteor | 18.05 | 18.25 | 17.85 | 18.80 | 18.85 | 91.8 |
9. Szilas | Bp. Vasas | 17.00 | 18.70 | 17.80 | 18.50 | 18.45 | 90.45 |
10. Bánati | Bp. Vasas | 18.40 | 18.05 | 18.80 | 18.70 | 89.65 | |
11. Kertész | Bp. Postás | 18.50 | 18.35 | 18.50 | 87.05 | ||
12. Vörös | Bp. Postás | 18.35 | 18.35 |
Event scores are the sum of the compulsory and optional routines. You can find the compulsory routines for Helsinki here.
Reminder: The portable hand apparatus routine (HA in the table above) in Helsinki was an ensemble routine. However, at Hungary’s Masters Championships, portable hand apparatus routines were judged individually.
*Note: Mrs. Perényi’s event scores listed in Népsport on January 1, 1952 add up to 94.65. However, the newspaper lists her all-around score as 93.65.
Women’s Commentary
The competition took a long, long time.
The first day of the gymnasts’ master championship and the first Olympic Trials started at two o’clock on Sunday afternoon and they ended after 10 o’clock in the evening.
The contest lasted longer than expected as the contestants performed almost all the exercises twice.
Népsport, January 1, 1952. Unless otherwise indicated, all quotes come from this publication.
Vasárnap délután két órakor kezdődtek el a Nemzeti Sportcsarnokban a tornászok mesterfokú bajnokságának és olimpiai válogatójának elsőnapi küzdelmei és este 10 után értek véget.
A vártnál tehát kissé tovább húzódott el a verseny, mert csaknem minden gyakorlatot kétszer mutattak be a versenyzők.
Reminder: At the Olympics, gymnasts could repeat their compulsory routines.
Keleti was, by and large, the best on uneven bars.
Mrs. Sándor withdrew because of her injury. Keleti was far above the competition with the compulsory and the optional exercise as well. Her amazing fitness was striking. The ending of the optional exercise — swinging leg cut requiring both rails — was absolutely phenomenal. Mrs. Perényi performed her optional exercise as expected, but as far as the optional exercises go, she was successful only in the second one. In Korondi’s optional exercise one could see a lack of strength. As far as the youth is concerned, Kertész had a quite well-prepared exercise.
Sándorné sérülése miatt visszalépett. Keleti az előírt és szabadonválasztott gyakorlatával is messze kiemelkedett a mezőnyből. Feltűnő volt nagyszerű erőnléte. Szabadonválasztott gyakorlatának befejezése — a két karfán való átterpesztés — nagyszerű teljesítmény volt. Perényiné előírt gyakorlatát a várakozásnak megfelelően hajtotta végre a szabadonválasztottak közül csak a második sikerült neki. Korondi szabadonválasztott gyakorlatánál kis erőtlenséget figyelhettünk meg, a fiatalok közül Kertész igen jó anyagú gyakorlatot mutatott be.
The lights impacted the women’s floor routines.
Keleti Ágnes won the master championship as well quite deservedly. In her optional exercise she had some trouble with the lighting, so one could see some insecurity in her. Mrs. Gulyás also finished her optional exercise with a bit lower score because of the lighting. The young Szilas’s optional exercise went quite well and reached the level required on an international level.
Itt is megérdemelten lett mesterfokú bajnok Keleti Ágnes. Szabadonválasztott gyakorlatában a világítás zavarta, ezért némi bizonytalanság mutatkozott nála. Gulyásné szabadonválasztott gyakorlatát ugyancsak a világítás miatt, gyengébben fejezte be. A fiatal Szilas szabadonválasztott jól sikerült gyakorlatával elérte a nemzetközi szintet.
Reminder: At the Olympic Games, women’s floor exercise did not use music.
There was a lot of unsureness on beam.
Keleti repeated both her exercises despite already winning the competition with the first one. The handstands performed from various positions were quite convincing. Her back roll to headstand part of the exercise was the most beautiful move performed on this apparatus. Korondi deservedly won second place. But she also showed some immaturity and thus some insecurity as well. Mrs. Gulyás competed for the first time with a more difficult exercise, so she was also a bit insecure.
Keleti annak ellenére, hogy már első gyakorlatával is megnyerte a versenyt, mindkét gyakorlatát megismételte. A különböző helyzetekből végrehajtott kézenállások biztonsága nagyon meggyőző volt. A hátrahenger-fejenállásba gyakorlatrésze az e szeren látott legszebb mozdulat volt. Korondi megérdemelten került a második helyre, de itt is éretlenség , ezzel kapcsolatban kisebb bizonytalanság mutatkozott nála. Gulyásné most először versenyzett ezzel az erősített anyagú gyakorlatával s így nála s megfigyelhettünk egy kis bizonytalanságot.
Vault was a bit of a struggle across the board.
It is encouraging that the youth — Dévai, Bodó and Milanovics — was quite successful on this apparatus. The master championship contestants were moving a bit stiffly. On this apparatus it became quite visible that the contestants are missing the winter athletics training.
Örvendetes, hogy a fiatalok — Dévai, Bodó és, Milanovics — milyen jól szerepeltek ezen a szeren. A mesterfokú versenyzők nagy része, kissé mereven mozgott. Ezen a szeren látszott meg a leginkább, hogy a versenyzőknek hiányzik télen az atlétikai edzés.
Note: Andrea Bodó would go on to be part of the Hungarian team that won silver in Helsinki. As for her youth, she turned 18 in August of 1952.
Keleti scored a 10.0 for her exercise with portable hand apparatus.
The contestants performed the compulsory exercise quite well. Their movements followed the music nicely. Keleti Ágnes received 10 points from all four judges during her second attempt.
A versenyzők általában igen jól mutatták be az előírt gyakorlatot. Mozgásuk jól simult a zenéhez. Keleti Ágnes mind a négy pontozótól 10 pontot kapott második kísérletére.
Appendix: The Men’s All-Around Results
Gymnast | Club | Total |
1. Sántha Lajos | Bp. Postás | 110.20 |
2. Baranyai | Bp. Postás | 109.55 |
3. Kemény | Bp. Vörös Meteor | 109.10 |
4. Tóth K. | Bp. Vörös Meteor | 107.05 |
5. Mogyorósi-Klencs | Debreceni Postás | 103.60 |
6. Kocsis | Debreceni Lokomotív | 102.60 |
7. Mező | Bp. Dózsa | 99.80 |
8. Simonfalvi | Bp. Postás | 98.30 |
9. Pataki | Bp. Vörös Meteor | 94.70 |
10. Réthy | Bp. Vörös Meteor | 88.55 |
Many thanks to Alina for her help with the Hungarian texts.
More on Hungary