Long before the 1976 Olympics, the Romanian press — in both Romanian and Hungarian — started to print interviews with and profiles of Nadia Comăneci.
Below, you’ll find translations of a small collection of interviews and profiles from 1972 and 1973. Each one is interesting in its own right. For example, you can find an early comparison with Olga Korbut — something that would continue to crop up in the press for years after. In that same article, the author questions if too much was expected of the prodigy at too young of an age — an ongoing question in the sport of gymnastics. There’s even an article titled, “We should not expect everything only from Nadia Comăneci.”
All in all, the articles portray Comăneci as a wunderkind, whose skill is routinely described in supernatural, if not religious, terms, with the word “miracle” being routinely employed to describe her accomplishments.
Quick Links:
- A Small… Great Hope (Sportul, June 1972)
- Nadia Comăneci, the Little Girl Who Can Do Miracles (Sportul, April 1973)
- All-Around Champions (Ifjúmunkás, May 1973)
- Children Who Do Miracles (Cutezătorii, June 1973)
- We Should not Expect Everything Only from Nadia Comăneci (Sportul, May 1973)
[Note: This was printed before Comăneci won bars and beams at the 1972 Friendship Cup.]
She was born in Onești (14 May 1961)* and is in fourth grade at the Gymnastics High School. She is a member of the sports association “Flacăra” from Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej, named Nadia Comănici [sic], discovered at a competition for spotting new talents in 1967, when she was still in kindergarten, was carefully guided by the passionate coaches Marta and Béla Karoly[i]. The great hope of the Trotuș Valley’s chemists now has a rich record: champion in children’s competition in 1970, in 1971 she was part of the Romanian champion team (category IV), in 1972 she was on the winning team of the F.R.G. Cup. In July she will participate in the “Friendship Tournament” which will take place in Bulgaria (GH. GRUNZU).**
[*Note: Comăneci’s birthday is November 12, 1961 — not May 14.]
[**Note: Grunzu was the Chairman of the Municipal Council for Physical Education and Sport in Onești.]
Sportul, June 15, 1972
S-a născut La Oneşti (14 mai 1961) şi este in clasa IV-a la Liceul cu program special de gimnastică. Mica membră a asociaţiei sportive „Flacăra“ din municipiul Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej, pe nume Nadia Comănici, descoperită la un concurs pentru depistarea de noi talente în 1967, pe cînd era încă la grădiniţă, a fost îndrumată atent de pasionaţii antrenori Marta şi Béla Karoly. Marea speranţă a chimiştilor de pe Valea Trotuşului are de-acum un palmares bogat : campioană la copii in 1970 . In 1971 face parte din echipa campioană a României (categ. a IV-a) . 1972 este anul in care este prezentă in echipa cîștigătoare a Cupei F.R.G. si componentă a echipelor de junioare ale României care întilnesc, pe rind, reprezentativele similare ale Poloniei și Bulgariei, învingindu-Ie (în ultimul concurs, Nadia a ocupat locul II la individual compus). In, lună iulie va participa la „Turneul Prietenia” ce va avea loc în Bulgaria. (GH. GRUNZU).
[Note: This was printed after the 1973 Romanian International and the 1973 dual meet with the USSR.]
There is every reason to appreciate that a new star is shining brightly in the firmament of our women’s gymnastics. It is about the recent international champion of our country, Nadia Comăneci, student in 5th grade at the High School for Physical Education in Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej municipality, member of the Flacăra sports association from the same city.
At the age of 12, the talented sportswoman is the author of the sensational victory brought back in the 16th edition of Romania’s gymnastics international, after a performance that excited the audience present in Floreasca Hall in the capital. Because, to be fair, it is no small thing to categorically surpass — on all apparatus — the best members of the country’s Olympic team, not to mention that valuable gymnasts from the German Democratic Republic, Soviet Union, Poland, or Czechoslovakia were also present at that competition.
Since Nadia Comăneci is almost unknown to the general public, we asked her and the coach who directs her training, Béla Karoly[i], to talk to us about her first steps in sports, about the first signs of talent and affirmation in gymnastics.
“Our concern to create a group of sportswomen with whom to start organized training — the coach tells us — took us to several kindergartens in the city. Nadia imposed herself from the very beginning with special qualities: mobility, explosive power, speed — these being, by the way, also the tasks of our test. Then, at the gym, she continued to assert herself in the group of 26 girls with whom I worked, showing very good coordination of movements, she easily learned the elements that were proposed, at each training session she wanted to learn something new from the gymnastics secrets. Courage, ambition, cleverness, and perseverance helped her to climb the steps of sports mastery quite quickly, after only one year of training she managed to compete in the 4th category, in the republican championship for children.”
[Note: In this interview, Karolyi implies that he found Comăneci while she was in kindergarten, but he was not her first coach. Marcel Duncan was.]
“I was very happy in 1969 when I was allowed to compete in the company of the best children of the country,” says Nadia. “I only took 10th place in the individual all-around, but the team took 1st place. We were very happy! A year later, also in the 4th category, I took 3rd place. I was overjoyed, for the first time on a podium in an individual competition. In 1971, my results improve a lot. In Poland, the 1st place in individual all-around in the match with the youth team of the host country, as well as the winner of two events at the “Olympic Hopes Cup” in Bulgaria, uneven bars and beam. I could have won in the individual all-around as well, but on the floor I missed an element of great difficulty (a full-twisting salto), in the same year 2nd place at the republican championship in the 2nd category. In 1972, I experienced the satisfaction of winning my first national champion title, in Cluj, I took first place in the second category. In the matches with the junior teams of Hungary and USSR I won 1st place in the individual all-around, and in the “F.R.G. Cup” I placed 2nd, in the 2nd category”.
And 1973 brings her the greatest success of her short sports career, a success that can launch her towards other prestigious results. The seriousness in preparation, the hard work in training, the desire to always learn, to perfect one’s skills are a guarantee that Nadia Comăneci, together with other talented colleagues from the team coached by Béla Karoly[i], can relaunch our women’s gymnastics.
Sportul, April 22, 1973
Sunt toate motivele să se aprecieze că pe firmamentul gimnasticii noastre feminine străluceşte puternic o nouă stea. Este vorba de proaspăta campioană internaţională a ţării noastre, Nadia Comăneci, elevă în clasa a V-a la Liceul cu program de educaţie fizică din municipiul Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej, membră a asociaţiei sportive Flacăra din acelaşi oraş.
In vîrstă de 12 ani, talentata sportivă este autoarea senzaţionalei victorii repurtată în cadrul celei de a XVI-a ediţii a internaţionalelor de gimnastică ale României, după o evoluţie care a entuziasmat publicul prezent în sala Floreasca din Capitală. Pentru că, la drept vorbind, nu e puţin lucru să le întreci categoric — la toate aparatele — pe cele mai bune componente ale lotului olimpic al ţării, ca să nu mai amintim că în concursul respectiv au fost prezente şi gimnaste valoroase din R. D. Germană, Uniunea Sovietică, Polonia sau Cehoslovacia.
Deoarece pentru marele public Nadia Comăneci este aproape o necunoscută, am solicitat-o chiar pe ea şi pe antrenorul care ii îndrumă pregătirea, Béla Karoly, să ne vorbească despre primii paşi în sport, despre primele semne ale talentului şi afirmării în gimnastică.
„Preocuparea noastră de a alcătui o grupă de sportive cu care să începem o pregătire organizată— ne spune antrenorul — ne-a purtat paşii şi pe la cîteva grădiniţe din oraş. Nadia s-a impus de la bun început prin calităţi deosebite : mobilitate, detentă, viteză — acestea fiind, de altfel, şi probele testului nostru. Apoi, la sala de gimnastică, ea a continuat să se afirme în grupul de 26 de fetiţe cu care lucram, dovedind o coordonare foarte bună a mişcărilor, învăţa cu uşurinţă elementele care i se propuneau, la fiecare antrenament dorea să afle ceva nou din secretele gimnasticii. Dîrzenia, ambiţia, isteţimea, curajul şi perseverenţa au ajutat-o să urce destul de repede treptele măiestriei sportive, după numai un an de pregătire ajungind să concureze la categoria a IV-a, în cadrul campionatului republican pentru copii”.
„Am fost foarte bucuroasă în 1969 cînd mi s-a permis să concurez in compania celor mai buni copii ai țării — intervine Nadia. Am ocupat abia locul X la individual compus, dar echipa s-a clasat pe locul I. Am fost tare fericite!n an mai tîrziu, tot la categoria a IV-a, m-am clasat pe locul al III-Iea. Eram nespus de bucuroasă , pentru prima oară pe un podium de premiere într-o întrecere individuală. In 1971, rezultatele mele se îmbunătăţesc mult. In Polonia, locul I la individual compus în meciul cu Selecţionata de tineret a ţării gazdă, precum şi cîştigătoare a două probe la „Cupa speranţelor olimpice“ în Bulgaria, paralele şi bîrnă. Aş fi putut cîştiga şi la individual compus, dar la sol am ratat un element de mare dificultate (salt 360) , în acelaşi an l— locul al II-lea la campionatul republican la categoria a IlI-a. In 1972 am trăit satisfacţia cuceririi primului meu titlu de campioană naţională , la Cluj, am ocupat locul I la categoria a II-a. In meciurile cu echipele de junioare ale Ungariei și R.S.F.S.R. am cucerit locul I la Individual compus, iar la „Cupa F.R.G.“ m-am clasat a II-a, în cadrul categoriei a II-a”.
Și iată că 1973 ii aduce cel mai mare succes din scurta-i carieră sportivă, succes care o poate lansa spre alte rezultate prestigioase. Seriozitatea în pregătire, munca fără preget la antrenamente, dorinţa de a învăţa mereu, de a-şi perfecţiona măiestria reprezintă o garanţie că Nadia Comăneci, împreună cu alte colege talentate din echipa antrenată de Béla Karoly, poate relansa gimnastica noastră feminină.
All-Around Champions
Last week on Saturday I went to the Floreasca Sports Hall to watch the meeting of the Romanian and Soviet Union’s junior national gymnast teams. For a moment I thought I entered the wrong hall. I wanted to see the female junior team of our country, but what I have seen looked more like a group of little schoolgirls preparing for the end-of-year school ceremony… Bunch of little girls wearing bows — are they really the ones the chronicles shall call ‘the representatives of our country’ in a short while? But my incomprehension was short-lived when these little ‘bows’ started doings twists, did ballet on the beam, and drew unbelievable arabesques while moving on the floor. The little girls grew up at once and they made me believe that I am admiring a bunch of real talents. Nadia Comăneci won the competition, who is the student of the Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej gymnastics high school. She also won the Romanian International Championship a week earlier. She won with such ease that Elena Leuşteanu, the former champion, exclaimed with delight: ‘Nadia is not only a great talent, but a prodigy!’ She showed such good form that the coach of the Soviet girls was also amazed: ‘This girl is better than the champion of the Munich Olympics, Olga Korbut, was at her age!’…
[Reminder: Korbut won three gold medals in Munich: team, beam, and floor. Tourischeva was the all-around champion.]
And while everybody was cheering for her, Nadia gave a ‘fitting’ interview. Well… a mini-interview — with maxi difficulties for her, but for the reporter as well, who was unsure who to talk to, the international champion or the 12-year-old girl?
Nadia Comăneci
— How many years have you been a gymnast, Nadia?
— Since first grade.
— Have you imagined that you would win both competitions in Bucharest?
— Yes.
— You are this definite about it?
— Yes.
— What is your biggest wish concerning gymnastics?
— I want to win the national championship.
— And what do you think, will you manage to do it? Could you defeat Lia Ceampelea?
— Yes. If not this year, then the next one for sure.
(Let’s admit it, her self-confidence reminds us of Cassius Clay’s best days…)
[Note: Cassius Clay was a boxer who was better known as Muhammad Ali.]
— Who are your best friends?
— Liliana Branişteanu and Teodora Ungureanu. My classmates.
— They must be cheering for you now…
— Yes. As I cheer for them, they are competing on Romania’s junior team.
— I see you have no problems with gymnastics scores. You got a nine and even higher scores. But what are your grades at school like?
— There I have an eight as well. From math.
— What is your favorite subject? Not counting PE, of course …
— French.
— And how do you say gymnastics in French?
Nadia laughs at me innocently.
— The first we learn at school is ‘gymnastics’ and it is no different in French class either. In French as well …
Nadia Comaneci is 12 years old, and half of her life she spent doing gymnastics. She did not play with dolls and teddy bears, but on bars, beams, and on the floor… we can’t help but wonder, didn’t she start too soon? Is there a danger that Nadia will reach a plateau too soon because of the exertion her little body has faced?
Béla Károly[i], PE teacher, Nadia’s coach, is the best person to ask about this: ‘No, definitely not! I know that I am holding a little girl in my arms, and I also know how to treat her. Nadia has such a training program, where her training load is very carefully monitored. If she suffers no injury — which is the only danger that may stop such great talent — then Nadia will in no time find herself among the world’s best gymnasts. I have no doubt about that.’
By winning the two official competitions I mentioned before, Nadia started off wonderfully on her way to become part of the elite world of gymnastics. We will follow her ‘road’ with great interest and hopes.
Ifjúmunkás, May 3, 1973
Karszámos Bajnokok
Múlt hét szombatján beültem a Floreasca sportcsarnokba, hogy megnézzem Románia és a Szovjetunió utánpótlás tornászválogatottainak találkozóját. Egy pillanatra azt hittem, eltévesztettem a termet. Hiszen én hazánk női utánpótlás válogatottjára voltam kíváncsi, s amit láttam, az inkább évzáró ünnepélyre készülő kisiskolások csapatának nézett ki… Egy csomó hatalmas masni alatt néhány hüvelykmatyi — ők lennének azok, akiket holnap „hazánk képviselőinek” neveznek majd a krónikák? Másodpercnyi értetlenségem mentén elszállt, ahogy a „masnik“ könnyed csavarugrásokba lendültek, balettezni kezdtek a gerendán és hihetetlen arabeszkeket rajzoltak mutatványaikkal a talajon. A kislányok egyszerre megnőttek és azzal a bizonyossággal töltöttek el, hogy egy csokor valódi tehetség előtt ámuldozok. A versenyt Nadia Comaneci, a Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej városi tornászlíceum tanulója nyerte meg, akárcsak egy héttel korábban Románia nemzetközi bajnokságát. Olyan fölényesen győzött, hogy Elena Leuştean volt román bajnok elragadtatva kiáltotta : „Nadia nem pusztán nagy tehetség, hanem egyszerűen a csodagyermek !“ Úgy tornászott, hogy a szovjet lányok edzője is összecsapta a kezét: „Ez a kislány jobb, mint a müncheni olimpiai bajnok Olga Korbut volt az ő korában !“…
És miközben a tapsvihar neki tombolt, Nadia „testhezálló“ interjút adott. Vagyis… mini-interjút — maxi-nehézségekkel az ő számára is, de különösen a riporter számára, aki nem tudta, kivel beszéljen : a nemzetközi bajnokkal vagy a 12 éves kislánnyal?
Nadia Comăneci
— Hány éve tornászol, Nadia?
— Az első osztálytól kezdve. — Gondoltál arra, hogy Bukarestben mindkét versenyt megnyered?
— Igen. — Ilyen határozottan mondod?
— Igen. — Mi a legtöbb kívánságod a tornában?
— Meg akarom nyerni az országos bajnokságot.
— És mit gondolsz, sikerülni fog? Le tudnád győzni Lia Ceampeleát?
— Igen. Ha az idén nem is, jövőre biztosan.
(Valljuk be, Cassius Clay legjobb napjaira emlékeztető magabiztosság…)
— Kik a legjobb barátnőid? — Liliana Branişteanu és Teodora Ungureanu. Osztálytársaim.
— Most bizonyára szurkolnak neked…
— Igen. Én is nekik, ők is Románia utánpótlás válogatottjában versenyeznek most.
— A tornajegyekkel, úgy látom, jól állsz. Kilences, sőt még nagyobb értékelést kaptál. De milyen jegyeid vannak az iskolában?
— Ott van egy nyolcasom is. Számtanból.
— Melyik a kedvenc tantárgyad? Persze, a tornán kívül …
— A francia. — És hogy mondják a tornának franciául?
Nadia ártatlanul kinevet. — Nálunk, az iskolában az első szó, amit megtanulunk a „torna“. Franciául is …
Nadia Comaneci 12 évének szinte a felét a torna töltötte ki. Az ő játékai nem babák és mackók voltak, hanem a korlát, a gerenda, a talaj… önkéntelenül is felmerül az emberben: nem kezdte túl korán? Nadia törékeny kistestének megerőltetése következtében nem leselkedik-e rá az idő előtti plafonálódás veszélye?
A legilletékesebb e kérdés megválaszolására Károly Béla testnevelő tanár, Nadia edzője: „Határozottan nem! Tudom, hogy kristályt tartok a kezemben, és tudom, hogyan bánjak vele. Nadia olyan edzésprogramot végez, amelyben az erőkifejtés nagyon pontosan és körültekintően be van osztva. Ha a sérülések balszerencséje — az egyetlen veszély, amely hatalmas tehetségének útját állhatja — elkerüli, Nadia rövid idő alatt betör a világ tornasportjának élvonalába. Ebben biztos vagyok.“
A két említett hivatalos verseny megnyerésével Nadia kitűnően rajtolt a tornászvilág elitje felé ívelő pályán. Érdeklődéssel és nagy reményekkel figyeljük „repülését“.
Children Who Do Miracles
Student Doina Dragomir from General School no. 150 from Bucharest asks me to answer the following question: “Are there child prodigies in the field of sports?”
I confess to you, frankly, that it is a very difficult question, to which I cannot answer with yes or no, but with a concrete and current example.
For some time, there has been a lot of talk in the world of Romanian sports about the appearance of such a child prodigy: it is about the gymnast Nadia Comăneci.
Curious, eager not only to convince myself how true these statements are, but also to get to know this completely remarkable child, I entered her world several times in a row. First as the viewer of two or three competitions in which she participated, and then of some of her training sessions, I got to know her well and now I can comment.
At the international championships of Romania, the blonde girl, whose pigtails framed a cheeky nose, excited both the spectators who filled the stands of the Floreasca Hall, and the few judges, to the point of ecstasy. Spectators applauded after each exercise, demanding its repetition, which is a unique situation in sports. In fact, it was not only about sports, because the exercises she performed obviously exceeded this sphere, passing into that of art.
The judges, unanimously, scored each exercise only with scores close to the upper limit, a fact unprecedented in the history of the performance of the little ones, who have a program of easy, simple exercises, which no matter how well they execute, they cannot be rated with such scores. One of the judges explained to me why she and her colleagues did this: “Because all Nadia Comăneci’s exercises contain only elements of the highest degree of difficulty, which are usually included in the program of great athletes”.
And thus, categorically dominating the competition, at the age of 12, Nadia Comăneci won the international championships, defeating all the other athletes who were twice her age. So is she a child prodigy?
It would seem so, but. But, as I told you before, I also went to some of her training sessions. At her school, at the high school with a special physical education program in the city of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. And there I found out even more details, I understood even better how this little girl reached the highest podium of our gymnastics.
Watching her from the sidelines at a few practices, I quickly realized that behind the wonders she does on the mat or on the floor, there is an enormous amount of work… maturely. There, where difficulty slowly turns into grace and where fatigue cannot be masked by a childish smile, Nadia practices hours, days, weeks, months for an element that in the competition lasts only a moment. There, in the training room, no one talks about the fact that Nadia is a child prodigy. There I found out that many other girls are following in her footsteps, with results almost as good: Georgeta Gabor, Mariana Cojan[u], Teodora Ungureanu, Luminița Milea, Liliana Brănișteanu. There you can easily realize that Nadia Comăneci, this child who could be called a “miracle,” divides her day between school and the training room.
Are there, then, child prodigies in sports? In my personal opinion, no! There are only children who do real wonders, inciting and awe-inspiring grown-ups. There are those children who, discovering from an early age a certain passion, a certain inclination, give themselves to it completely, managing, from an early age, to reach the upper limits of achievements in their respective fields. Nadia Comăneci, a genuine talent, a genuine hope of our gymnastics, whom we hope and wish to see develop successfully at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal, is one of these children.
Cutezătorii, June 28, 1973
Copii care fac minuni
Eleva Doina Dragomir de la Școala generală nr. 150 din Bucureşti mă roagă să-i răspund la următoarea Întrebare: «Există copii-minune în domeniul sportului ?»
Vă mărturisesc, sincer, că e o întrebare foarte grea, la care nu-i pot răspunde prin da sau prin nu, ci, printr-un exemplu concret şi actual.
De cîtva timp, în lumea sportului românesc se vorbeşte mult despre apariţia unui asemenea copil-minune: este vorba despre gimnasta Nadia Comăneci.
Curios, dornic nu numai să mă conving cît sînt de adevărate aceste afirmaţii, ci şi să-l cunosc pe acest copil cu totul remarcabil, am pătruns, de citeva ori la rînd in lumea lui. Mai Indica spectator la două sau trei competiţii la care a participat, apoi, şi la cîteva antrenamente ale lui. L-am cunoscut bine şi acum mă pot pronunţa.
La campionatele internaţionale ale României, fetiţa blondă, ale cărei codiţe Încadrează un năsuc… obraznic, a incintat deopotrivă şi pînă la extaz şi pe spectatorii care umpleau tribunele sălii Floreasca, şi pe cele clteva arbitre. Spectatorii aplaudau după fiecare exerciţiu, cetind repetarea lui, ceea ce constituie o situaţie unică In sport. De fapt Insă nu era vorba numai de sport, pentru că exerciţiile executate de ea depăşeau evident sfera aceasta, trecind in aceea a artei.
Arbitrale, în unanimitate, i-au notat fiecare exerciţiu numai cu note aflate aproape de limita superioară, fapt nemaiîntîlnit in istoria evoluţiilor celor mici, care au un program exerciţii uşoare, simple, pe care oricît de bine le-ar executa, nu pot fi cotate cu asemenea note. Una dintre arbitre mi-a explicat de ce şi ea, şi colegele ei au procedat aşa: «Pentru că toate exerciţiile Nadia Comăneci conţin numai elemente de cel mai Înalt grad de dificultate, care intră de obicei in programul sportivilor mari».
Şi astfel, dominind categoric întrecerea, la 12 ani, Nadia Comăneci a cîştigat campionatele internaţionale, invingîndu-le pe toate celelalte sportive care aveau de două ori vîrsta ei. Este ea, deci, un copil-minune?
Aşa s-ar părea, dar. Dar, după cum v-am mai spus, am fost şi la citeva antrenamente ale ei. La ea la şcoală, la Liceul cu program special de educaţie fizică din oraşul Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. Şi acolo am aflat şi mai multe amănunte, am Înţeles şi mai bine cum de-a ajuns fetiţa aceasta pe podiumul cel mai înalt al gimnasticii noastre.
Urmărind-o de pe margine la citeva antrenamente, mi-am dat repede seama că in spatele minunăţiilor pe care le face pe covor sau pe blină se află o cantitate enormă de muncă… matură. Acolo, unde dificultatea se transformă Incet-incet In graţie şi unde oboseala nu poate fi mascată de zimbetul copilăresc, Nadia exersează ore, zile, săptămlni, luni pentru un element care In concurs nu durează decît o clipă. Acolo, in sala de antrenament, nimeni nu vorbeşte despre faptul că Nadia ar fi un copil-minune. Acolo am aflat că pe urmele ei mai păşesc multe alte fete, cu rezultate aproape la fel de bune: Georgeta Gabor, Mariana Cojan, Teodora Ungureanu, Luminiţa Milea, Liliana Brănişteanu. Acolo iţi dai foarte uşor seama că Nadia Comăneci, acest copil care ar putea fi numit «minune», işi împarte ziua intre şcoală şi sala de antrenamente.
Există, deci, copii-minune in sport? După părerea mea intimă, nu! Există doar copii care fac adevărate minunăţii, incintindu-i şi minunindu-i pe oamenii mari. Sunt acei copii care, descoperindu-şi de la o fragedă virstă o anume pasiune, o anume inclinaţie, i se dăruiesc cu totul, reuşind, încă de mici, să atingă limitele de sus ale realizărilor in domeniile respective. Nadia Comăneci, un autentic talent, o autentică speranţă a gimnasticii noastre, pe care sperăm şi dorim s-o vedem evoluînd cu succes şi la Jocurile Olimpice din 1976, de la Montreal, este unul dintre aceşti copii.
ОСТАVIAN VINTILĂ maestru al sportului
Only three masters in the fight for the supreme title
Who are we competing with during the match with Hungary?
The holding of the final of the women’s masters championship in the city of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej around important events for our national team — among which the matches with Hungary and Czechoslovakia are the closest and most significant — takes on certain meanings and forces us to analyze this competition in the context of the important responsibilities that fall to the country’s best gymnasts.
It is needless to say that, after such clear success in Romania’s international championships, the public in the City of Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej was looking forward to seeing their beloved girl, Nadia Comăneci, directly at work. This was not possible because, in accordance with the provisions of the International Gymnastics Federation, which allowed a female athlete to participate in European or world championships and Olympic Games only after the age of 14, our specialized forum also established a limit of age, at 13 years. So, Nadia and other highly promising sportswomen from this “city of gymnastics” will be able to attack the titles of Senior Champions only in the coming years.
In Nadia’s absence, another of her compatriots polarized the attention of the gym at these finals. It is about Anca Grigoraș, the one who, last year, in Brasov, produced the big surprise, winning the title of all-around champion of the country, victorious this time too. Well-guided and prepared by Coach Norbert Kuhn, Anca has now reached a degree of precision and assurance that ensures her good performance in all the competitions she participates in. That’s what happened in London, at the tournament of champions, that’s how it was at the final of the championship also. Especially on beam and uneven bars, her routines are remarkable, they have a high rhythm and degree of difficulty, they are executed with impressive ease. She knows how to measure her effort intelligently and shows remarkable fighting spirit. Winning for the second time in a row the title of all-around champion, as well as 1st place on beam in the apparatus final, Anca Grigoraș establishes herself as a true master and as one of the main pillars of our team for future international confrontations.
Alina Goreac was, undoubtedly, “man no. 2” of these finals, missing quite a bit to see her desire to become absolute champion come true. Although with better exercises and performances than Anca Grigoraș in some apparatuses (in optional uneven bars or vault, for example). Alina, unfortunately, also had quite a few imperfections, which were not left unpenalized by the judges. However, it is worth noting the fighting spirit and ambition with which this gymnast works, her work being rewarded with two champion titles on apparatus (vault and bars) and a silver medal (on beam).
Elena Ceampelea ended, in fact, the group of aspiring masters at the top of the rankings. For a good part of the competition, she was at the forefront of the fight, but a fall (again!) on the beam practically eliminated her from contention for first place. Her lack of put in her maximum effort was also highlighted the next day, during the apparatus final, which can only increase the dissatisfaction of those who know her great qualities and possibilities, proven so eloquently on the floor, an event in which she conquered in an impressive manner the title of national champion.
Unfortunately, the number of candidates for the title of all-around champion was limited to only three in this edition, a fact that cannot, in any case, please anyone. Rodica Sabău, Iuliana Simonfi, or Maria Antinie, although with meritorious behavior, they do not yet have the strength to dominate a competition, to attack the top of the hierarchy with chances of success. Gabriela Trușca is still not completely recovered from the mine accident, so she had a less convincing presence than we would have expected. On the other hand, it seemed to us that Aurelia Dobre was making obvious progress, whose talent will surely be realized as soon as possible in even better developments.
The match with the selected Hungarian R. P. at the end of this week prompts us to ask ourselves the question: which team will we be able to line up on Friday and Saturday to achieve victory? We could not say that the answer is easy to give, especially if we consider that Alina Goreac has a sprained left leg, and Anca Grigoraș complains of pain in her right elbow. “
Here, then, there are not so many reasons to be too optimistic after reviewing the strength of our women’s gymnastics. Especially if we consider the proposed goals for the next two years. It is necessary for all our coaches to understand that not only from Nadia Comăneci we must expect high performances, results of great international prestige. Or, as things presented themselves at the recently concluded final, so poor in optimistic conclusions, it seems to highlight the almost unanimous acceptance of the idea that, if we have a gymnastics high school, then everything must come from it. Which, let’s face it, is not good at all.
But, about how this situation was reached, especially through the “disappearance” in less than a year of six gymnasts (!), who last July aspired to be selected to the national team, in a future issue of the newspaper.
Sportul, May 16, 1973
Doar trei maestre in lupta pentru titlul suprem
Cu cine concurăm in meciul cu Ungaria ?
Desfăşurarea finalei campionatului feminin al maestrelor în Oraşul Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej în preajma unor importante evenimente pentru echipa noastră reprezentativă — între care meciurile cu Ungaria şi Cehoslovacia sunt cele mai apropiate şi mai însemnate — capătă anumite semnificaţii şi ne obligă să analizăm această întrecere în contextul importantelor răspunderi ce revin celor mai bune gimnaste ale ţării.
Este de prisos să mai spunem că, după succesul atît de net obţinut în cadrul campionatelor internaţionale ale României, publicul din Oraşul Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej aştepta cu nerăbdare s-o vadă în mod nemijlocit la lucru pe fetiţa sa îndrăgită, Nadia Comăneci. Nu a fost posibil acest lucru deoarece, în concordanţă cu prevederile Federaţiei Internaţionale de Gimnastică, care permitea participarea unei sportive la campionate europene sau mondiale şi la jocuri olimpice numai după împlinirea vîrstei de 14 ani, forul nostru de specialitate a stabilit şi el o limită de vîrstă, la 13 ani. Deci, Nadia şi alte sportive de mare perspectivă din acest „oraş al gimnasticii“ vor putea ataca titlurile de Campioane la senioare abia în anii viitori.
In absenţa Nadiei, o altă concetăţeancă a ei a polarizat atenţia sălii de gimnastică la aceste finale. Este vorba de Anca Grigoraş, cea care, anul trecut, la Braşov, producea marea surpriză, cucerind titlul de campioană absolută a ţării, învingătoare şi de această dată Bine îndrumată şi pregătită de antrenorul Norbert Kuhn, Anca a atins acum un grad de precizie şi siguranţă care îi asigură o bună comportare în toate concursurile la care ea participă. Aşa s-a întimplat la Londra, la turneul campioanelor, aşa a fost şi la finala campionatului. Mai ales la bimă şi paralele execuţiile ei sunt de o remarcabilă ţinută, au ritm şi grad de dificultate ridicat, sunt executate cu o impresionantă uşurinţă. Ea ştie să-şi dozeze inteligent efortul şi dă dovadă de un remarcabil spirit de luptă. Cîştigind pentru a doua oară consecutiv titlul de campioană absolută, ca şi locul I la bîrnă în finala pe aparate, Anca Grigoraş se impune ca o veritabilă maestră şi ca unul din pilonii de bază ai echipei noastre pentru viitoarele confruntări internaţionale.
Alina Goreac a fost, neîndoios, „omul nr. 2” al acestor finale, lipsindu-i destul de puţin spre a-şi vedea împlinită dorinţa de a deveni campioană absolută. Deşi cu exerciţii şi execuţii mai bune decit Anca Grigoraş la unele aparat (la paralele liber ales sau sărituri, de pildă). Alina a avut, din păcate, şi destule imperfecţiuni, care n-au rămas nepenalizate de arbitre. Oricum, este de remarcat spiritul de luptă şi ambiţia cu care lucrează această gimnastă, munca fiindu-i răsplătită cu două titluri de campioană pe aparate (sărituri și paralele) și cu o medalie de argint (la bîrnă).
Elena Ceampelea a încheiat, de fapt, grupul maestrelor aspirante la locurile de frunte ale clasamentelor. O bună parte din concurs, ea s-a aflat pe primul plan al luptei, dar o cădere (din nou !) la bîrnă a să Coi-o practic din disputa pentru primul loc. Lipsa ei de mobilizare s-a evidenţiat şi a doua zi, la finala pe aparate, ceea ce nu poate decît să amplifice nemulţumirea celor ce-i cunosc marile calităţi şi posibilităţi, dovedite atît de elocvent la sol, probă în care a cucerit de o manieră impresionantă titlul de campioană a ţării.
Din păcate, numărul candidatelor la titlul de campioană absolută s-a limitat la această ediţie doar la trei, fapt ce nu poate, in nici un caz, să mulţumească pe cineva. Rodica Sabău, Iuliana Simonfi sau Maria Antinie, deşi cu comportări meritorii, nu dispun încă de forţa de a domina o întrecere, de a ataca vîrful ierarhiei cu şanse de succes. Gabriela Truşcă nu este încă complet refăcută după accidentul suferit la mină, astfel că ea a avut o prezenţă mai puţin convingătoare decit ne-am fi aşteptat. Ni s-a părut, în schimb, într-un evident progres Aurelia Dobre, al cărei talent va fi cu siguranţă concretizat cît de curînd în evoluţii şi mai bune.
Meciul cu selecţionata R. P. Ungare de la sfîrşitul acestei săptămîni ne îndeamnă să ne punem întrebarea: ce echipă vom putea alinia vineri şi sîmbătă spre a obţine victoria ? N-am putea spune că răspunsul e uşor de dat, mai ales dacă ne gîndim că Alina Goreac are entorsă la piciorul stîng, iar Anca Grigoraş acuză dureri la cotul drept. ”
Iată, aşadar, că” nu sînt atît de multe motive să fim prea optimişti după trecerea în revistă a forţelor gimnasticii noastre feminine. Mai ales dacă avem în vedere obiectivele propuse pentru următorii doi ani. E necesar ca toţi antrenorii noştri să înţeleagă că nu numai de la Nadia Comăneci trebuie să se aştepte performanţe înalte, rezultate de mare prestigiu internaţional. Or, aşa cum s-au prezentat lucrurile la recent încheiata finală, atît de săracă în concluzii optimiste, pare să evidenţieze acceptarea aproape unanimă a ideii că, dacă avem un liceu de gimnastică, atunci de la el trebuie să vină totul. Ceea ce, s-o recunoaştem, nu e deloc bine.
Dar, despre cum s-a ajuns la această situaţie, mai ales prin „dispariţia“ în mai puţin de un an a şase gimnaste (!), care în iulie trecut aspirau la selecţia în echipa naţională, într-un număr viitor al ziarului.
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